Chapter 7- The Summit - Celeste Guide - IGN (2024)


Max Roberts,Wiki_Creation_Bot,jemzknight,+59 more


Chapter 7 is a culmination of every level that led to this point. Broken up into seven subchapters, The Summit will put all your skills to the test. This level also houses the most strawberries of any level in the game. For this chapter you also have the ability to dash in the air twice. Keep that in mind as you navigate the tricky platforms! Time to climb this mountain!

Below is a list of all 47 strawberries for this level, as well as the locations for the cassette tape and the Crystal Heart. The Crystal Heart is broken up into six jewels. There is one jewel per subchapter and you need them all to collect the Crystal Heart at the end. Just like strawberries, once you collect a jewel, it stays collected.



Strawberry #1

The first spring that you encounter in the chapter will mark the first strawberry. Bounce off the spring and immediately dash back to the wall above the spring. Climb up and look at a small gap in bewteen a pair of spike clusters. Jump off and dash in between the spikes to find a hidden passage.

Climb up this hidden passage to find the strawberry room. Jump through the wood platform beneath the strawberry to grab it. Climb up the right wall and dash twice off of it to make it over the spikes. Land on the grassy column below. Leap from the column and dash diagonally to reach the wall. Climb up a smidge and then jump and dash to the small platform.

Dash straight up, but dont’t get too eager. A small clump of spikes is on the ceiling and shortly after is a long row of spikes. Walk under the clump so that the ceiling is clear above you. Jump straight up and dash twice to clear the row of spikes. Before falling down the gap on the left, pay attention to the clump of spikes on the right side. Climb down on the left side to clear them and collect the strawberry.

Strawberry #2 & 3

These strawberries are in the same room. After using two green crystals to cross a chasm and then two springs to climb up the wall, you can find a small alcove on the left at the top. Dash through the ceiling to find this hidden room.

Starting with the strawberry on the left, double dash up to the spring and glide over the spike formation. Grab the wall on the left when you are able to. Since the spring recharged your dashes, dash once to get the strawberry and then immediately dash a second time to avoid instant death. Drop down to the green crystal to recharge and dash to safety.


As for Strawberry #3 on the right, jump up and dash to grab the left wall. From here you can actually hop to the right and grab a safe space on the blue block in the center. Hop back to the left wall, this time above the spike cluster. Jump out and dash to the green crystal so you have dash for the recovery. Fall to the strawberry and as soon as you touch it dash once upward and then dash to the left when the coast is clear of spikes.

Strawberry #4

This strawberry can be found on the screen with all the floating skinny columns topped with spikes. You’ll need to weave your way through the columns by combining climbing, wall jumping, and collecting green crystals scattered throughout.

When you spot the strawberry, recharge with the closest crystal. Then jump and dash diagonally to the block at the top of the left column beneath the strawberry. Jump over to the fruit and when you touch it dash out of the spikes toward the right. Grab a wall and recharge with the crystal. Now make your way to the spring and bounce toward the wall and climb up to safety.

Jewel #1

This is required to collect the Crystal Heart at the end of the level. The final section of this subchapter when your doppelgänger tosses you up in small sections is where you can nab this jewel. Your purple partner will toss you toward a spring on a left wall while she goes dead center. Do not jump to her!

Instead use the spring to launch above her and then use your two dashes to reach the far right wall. Climb up to find the jewel. Dash into it to collect it.



Strawberry #5

This strawberry can be seen out in the open above a row of spikes and a moving block resting on the left. You’ll want to jump and dash toward the upper right corner of the moving block. Quickly jump up from the block to grab the walls above. Nab the strawberry and let the block go to the right-hand side beneath you. Drop to the left-hand side of the moving block and ride it to its resting place on the left.

Jump out to the green crystal and dash straight up twice to grab the left wall. Recharge with the green crystal at the top of the wall and slide down to be parallel to the third crystal floating above the spikes. Double dash into the crystal and then immediately double dash straight up to reach the safe platform.

Strawberry #6

After collecting Strawberry #5, enter the next room on the left. Use the moving blocks to fling yourself back and forth across the room to reach the top where the strawberry is waiting.

Strawberry #7

Look to the left of Strawberry #6 and you can see a couple small wooden platforms. Jump over to the far left one and walk through the wall to find a hidden room. There are two moving blocks down below and a small passage of spikes you have to cross before collecting this strawberry.

Ignoring the closest moving block, drop down and dash up past the block to grab the wall above it. Climb up, jump, and dash over the spikes to grab the left side of them. You can now drop to the second moving block and use its momentum to reach the far left wall. Climb up and secure the fruit.


Jewel #2

This is required to collect the Crystal Heart at the end of the level. Entering the room to the right of Strawberry #6’s location, pay attention to the small gap in the floor on the far right of the room. Cross the room to the second moving block and then gracefully fall into this small gap to find the room with the jewel.

To reach the jewel, you need to take full advantage of the new double dash technique to fly through the spiky passage. Dash from green crystal to green crystal to keep your dashes charged up. At the final crystal, you will want to dash into shimmering gem, then immediately up and then to the right. Dash into the jewel to collect it.

Strawberry #8

After collecting the jewel, the next room has a moving block in the lower right corner with a clear path to another room to the right of it. Hop onto the block and then hop off and walk through this pathway.

This is a flying strawberry that you actually need to dash to collect. Use the spring to fly up and past the spikes. Just when you are clear of the spiked block, double dash diagonally up and to the left, toward the strawberry. You should be faster than the fruit can flap its wings. Grab the left wall and drop to the platform below to secure the strawberry.


Strawberry #9

In the floorless room with the blue blocks that fall when you touch them is where you will find this strawberry. Out in the open, grab the blue block on the left as you bounce from the spring. As it falls, jump off and dash to the wall next to the strawberry. Climb up to grab the fruit and then drop to the blue block below on the right. When it falls, jump over to the right side of the block to use the spring there and bounce to safety.

Strawberry #10

The final section of this subchapter when your doppelgänger tosses you up in small sections is where you can find this piece of fruit. The final part will have you ride a moving block to the top where the purple ball is waiting straight above you. Instead, jump to the red fire hydrant off to the right.

From here, climb up the right wall. There is a small resting place on the way up. Just above this resting place you can see a gap in the wall that looks as if it leads to another area. Jump up to this opening and walk through the gap to find the strawberry.


Strawberry #11

After the room with the four switches, you’ll want to go to the left before venturing off to the right. You’ll find a side obstacle with this strawberry at the end of it. To reach the strawberry, just dash left through the dream blocks. You’ll reach the far left wall and be able to grab the strawberry.

Slide down the wall and dash into the green crystal. Combining your double dash and the green crystals, you can make it all the way to the right wall. Grabbing the wall with one dash left (if you used them all, wait for the green crystal to return and then recharge) jump and dash diagonally through the dream block to safely get out. Jump off the upper wall and dash to safety.


Strawberry #12

After crossing the room with the four dream blocks You can spot an entryway on the right hand side. Land there and walk through the opening to find a room with a tall dream block going straight up. Zig zag through the block to go up and snag the strawberry. Do the same going down to bring it to safety and collect it.

Strawberry #13

Go back to the start of the room with the four dream blocks you use to cross. At the top is another dream block that you can dash through to find a hidden room.

Focus on the right-hand side of the room. The layout is symmetrical. The second block up on the right is horizontal. You need to dash through this block from left to right. This will whip you into a tiny room with the strawberry.

Jewel #3

This is required to collect the Crystal Heart at the end of the level. From the safety of Strawberry #13’s little room, dash up and grab the left wall above the spikes. Climb up and jump to the disappearing platform. Hop to the next platform and then dash up through the first dream block. Do not dash through the second dream block! Instead dash to the right to break the wall and reveal the jewel’s room.


To reach the jewel, you need to activate three switches in a room above spikes using only three dream blocks with spikes on top that move up and down. You can dash up through the spikes, but not down through them.

Drop into the spike room a grab the left wall. Wait for the first dream block to reach the top of its path then jump up and through it to reach the first switch. Free fall beneath the second dream block to hit the second switch. Once you do, dash your way to the third dream block and go through it to reach the right wall and the third switch.

With all the switches activated, use the dream blocks to go back across the room and dash through the vertical dream block. Land on the newly placed key block and climb up to the jewel. Dash into it to collect it.

Strawberry #14

Leaving the jewel’s room and continuing along the main path, you’ll reach open skies. Go to the left, through the stocky dream block to find this strawberry’s room. Use the bionoculars to scope out the room. The trick is to use the staggering dream blocks on the left to reach the top of the small structure on the right.

Dash out to the wall on the left beneath the first dream block. Jump and dash through the dream block diagonally. On the other side, turn to the left and dash through the gap between the two dream blocks’ corners. Use a second dash to correct course again and dash through the second dream block. Repeat this on the third dream block to reach the top.

At the top, be careful of the spikes that litter the way down to the strawberry. Grab one of the walls to slide past the spikes in the middle and then plop down to the strawberry.


Strawberry #15

After the room with the open skies, the next room features a ceiling and no floor. After using the second dream block to reach a narrow column topped with spikes, climb up and jump to the wall on the left. At the top, jump over the spikes and dash into the wall to find the hidden strawberry.

Strawberry #16

On the screen with your purple partner tossing you up in the air is where this strawberry hides. After dashing through a horizontal dream block to reach the final tossing point, grab onto the right wall and climb straight up past the purple orb.

At the top of the wall is a breakable blue block. Dash into it to find the strawberry’s hiding spot.


Strawberry #17

Right off the bat is the first strawberry of this subchapter. In the upper right corner is where it resides. Dash straight through the two orbs of black matter to reach the right wall with the green crystal. Dash up past the horizontal moving orb to grab the left wall beneath the strawberry. Jump to the right wall to grab the fruit. Now follow the path back out. Drop past the orb and grab the lower right wall, then dash through the the moving orbs to reutrn to safe ground.


Strawberry #18

In the third room of the subchapter with the purple moon painting in the center, you can see a gap in the floor in between the black matter orbs. Drop through the gap to find the pathway to the strawberry.

Fall down on the right-hand side and grab the wall, but stay near the top. You can double dash from the top to the weight controlled platform in the middle to dodge the black matter orbs. Short hop on the platform so it doesn’t sink and time you jump dash to the strawberry when the coast is clear. Repeat the process to go back across the room.

Pay attention to the lower right corner. A gap in the black matter is there, just like the gap that led you here. Drop through it to find Strawberry #19!

Strawberry #19

Right from Strawberry #18’s room, drop through the gap in the lower right corner to find this strawberry.

There are four switches you need to trigger to open the way to the strawberry. These are scattered in a room with small columns with walls you can only touch once before black matter appears. For the purposes of this guide, the switches will be numbered one through four going from the right to the left (ex. number one being the far right).


Drop through the disappearing blocks and fall through the first switch. As you fall dash left through the second switch and then straight up to grab the left-hand side of the column above the second switch.

Jump to the column up and to the left and climb to the top. Hop over the black matter and hit the green crystal to recharge your dashes and stamina. Fall onto the third switch and dash to the left to grab the far left column.

Hop over the top to hit the final switch and grab the far left wall. Your stamina will be running low at this point. Climb up as high as you can and leap off toward the green crystal. Dash to clear the top column.

With the recharge, dash once diagonally up and to the right then fall and dash into the wall adjacent to the first switch. Drop down and hold to the right to reach the newly lowered platform. Climb up to the strawberry and exit through the top right.

Cassette Tape

In the room with two large windows, you can spot a small access way at the top of the screen between the two windows. Go to the larger platform in the middle of the room and then jump and dash to reach the access way.

This is the cassette room. The blue and pink platforms alternate based off the beat of the music. Time your jumps to navigate the room on the alternating platforms to grab the tape. This unlocks Chapter 7’s B Side level.


Strawberry #20

Back at the start of the room with two large windows, go back to the larger platform in the center. Off to the right you can see the strawberry floating out in the open. Drop down and grab the wall near the strawberry. Using the bucket as a marker, dash to the strawberry, fall a smidge and then dash back to the wall. Climb up and wait for the moving matter to be out of the way. Get back to solid ground to cash in the strawberry.

Strawberry #21

This strawberry is also out in the open right on top of a large window. There is some black matter orbiting around the strawberry as well as a small cloumn beneath it with a one touch surface.

Make it to the column and leave the right half available for your descent. Time your jump and dash to the fruit. Fall and land on the right half of the column or dash into the small right wall to get your bearings first. From the column, just time your leap past the moving enemy and climb out.

Jewel #4

This is required to collect the Crystal Heart at the end of the level. The jewel for this subchapter can be found at the end of the room where you trigger a switch and raise a block. The final stretch of the room has three tall windows separated by columns with black matter moving up and down. After the last column is a gap in the lower right wall. Enter through it to find the jewel’s room.


The trick to this jewel is timing your dashes between the moving black matter and using the green crystals to recharge. When you reach the second crystal, dash diagonally up and to the left to grab a small corner of the wall where it is safe. This gives you a chance to time your move to the third crystal.

When the matter is at the bottom of its path, dash out to the right and fall to the third crystal. From here dash through the final pair of enemies and reach the jewel. Dash into it to collect it.

Strawberry #22

Once outside, go to the left to find a small challenge with this strawberry. The black matter pair is moving back and forth with green crystals beneath them. Double dash high above the first and fall to the crystal below, avoiding the matter’s path. Repeat this for the second enemy and then land at the strawberry. Jump up to the wooden wall and bounce off the spring at the top and double dash your way to safety.

Strawberry #23

When you are outside, just after collecting Strawberry #22, there is the obstacle fo five columns of black matter enemies that you must cross. At the end of this challenege is a wooden block in the floor that is offset. Smash down into it to find a hidden room with the fruit.

The path the collect this strawberry demands perfectly timed dashes to the right and up. Drop down and dash right and then up to reach the first green crystal. Repeat this for the second green crystal and then fall to the strawberry. Once it is snatched, dash up and then diagonally to the spring. Bounce over the black matter and double dash to the safety of the wall. Climb up to collect the fruit.


Strawberry #24

After the breif stint outside, you will drop back inside the building. The room has narrow columns topped with spikes. The upper middle column has a tiny gap at the top where the black matter does not go. Time your jumps to the upper columns between the moving black matter. When on the upper middle column, climb and dash up into the tiny gap to reach the strawberry’s room.

You can spot the flying strawberry in the lower right corner, but it is walled off. Use the springs to bounce from block to block. At the final srping, you’ll need to double dash to reach the small area with the chair. These dashes trigger the flying strawberry into flight, which puts you right in its path.


Jewel #5

This is required to collect the Crystal Heart at the end of the level. Right off the bat with this subchapter you can find the jewel. Go through the little section with blue bubbles and spikes at the very start. When you enter the next room, go to the left to find a vast emptiness to the left.

There are small cutouts in the ceiling. Doudble dash to the gap on the left to find a hidden platform. From here you can drop and dash your way across the screen to the next portion. Just like the previous screen, there is a hidden platform in the ceiling. Drop beneath the large column dripping down and dash up to grab its left side. Leap to the left and climb into the hidden platform.

Off to the left you can spot a pathway up to the next screen. You’ll need to drop way below the wall to the left and dash up to grab it. From here you can climb up to the next room, which hosues the jewel.


Ride the block through the spiky hallway to go back to where you started.

Strawberry #25

Back at the start of Jewel #5 on the screen with the vast emptiness we are going to use a screen transition to recharge our dash to reach a hole at the top of the next screen. Dash toward the right to transition the screen and then up into the small opening.

In this new area, there are pink clouds that disappear after one hop. Use the small hop the pink clouds provide to low hop and then dash toward the next pink cloud. If you jump up, you’ll hit the spikes above. On the third pink cloud, ride the hop to the left to avoid the spikes and then diagonally double dash to the strawberry and safety.

Strawberry #26

This delectable piece of fruit is at the end of the screen that has snowballs flying toward you. It can been seen in the open on the lower path. The trick to reach it while fighting the strong wind is to bounce off of a snowball to recharge your dash so you can use two dashes.

Strawberry #27

Brace yourself for a devilishly difficult strawberry. This strawberry is in the vertical room where you ride a moving block to the top. Weave your way through the first set of spikes until you reach a fork in the upward path.


Bounce to the outhouse on the left and then leap to the left wall making sure to use only one dash. Climb up a little ways and then leap toward the block on the left side of the spikes. Just enough of the block sticks out to avoid instant death. Grab hold and ride up into the green crystal to recharge your dash.

As soon as you recharge, leap off and dash up into the strawberry. With the fruit nabbed, diagonally dash toward the second green crystal to grab the slightest edge of the moving block again.

Leap off the block quickly and dash diagonally to the left to avoid the jutting wall of spikes. Quickly dash to the right to land on the moving block before it passes you. Leap up into the next screen to secure the strawberry.

Strawberry #28

In the room above the vertial ride, use the cloud to hop over the spikes on the left and reach the blue bubble. Dash into the room on the left to find this strawberry and the pathway to the next two pieces of fruit!

Use the strong leftward wind to leap to the small blocks in the center. Hop your way to the leftmost block and then leap again to the far left wall. Use the wind to wall jump up the wall. Double dash straight up to grab the fruit and land safely on the ground.

Back at the entrance of the room, climb up the right wall and dash into the block on the ceiling to find a new room!


Strawberry #29

In Strawberry #28’s room, climb up the right wall and break the square block in the ceiling to find a new room. Off to the right you will see a moving block that you may either move to the right or to the left. Dash past the spike, grab the block, and move it to the left. This will take you high ennough to reach a hidden room above.

This room houses three seeds and one green crystal. You must collect all three seeds without touching the ground to create the strawberry. Once you grab a seed, a strong leftward wind will begin to blow. Taking that wind into consideration, you’ll want to start with the seed on the far right, straight above the green crystal.

From the first seed drop down and dash through the green crystal toward the platform in the middle. You can wall jump up the wall thanks to the wind. Once over the top, fall to the second seed and then dash toward the left wall, using the wind to make it there. Wall jump up to the third seed to create the strawberry.

Strawberry #30

In Strawberry #28’s room, climb up the right wall and break the square block in the ceiling to find a new room. Off to the right you will see a moving block that you may either move to the right or to the left. After collecting Strawberry #29 from the room above, now use the moving block to journey to the right.

Ride the block as far to the right as it will go. When it breaks, drop into the blue bubble below and exit going diagonally up and to the right. Dash straight up and then to the right to reach the second bubble. Exit this bubble going straight up and then fall to be parallel with the opening between the spikes. Dash through to reach the strawberry.


Strawberry #31

Look for this strawberry out in the open on the screen with a strong rightward wind. This room flows as you use the wind to almost fly across the room. The strawberry is immediately after the column with a green flag. You can spot it on the lower path.

Jump down and dash to the right through the strawberry. Ride the wind and then dash diagonally up into the bubble. Exit the bubble diagonally up and to the right then dash diagonally past the spikes. Use one more dash to reach the final wall and secure the strawberry.

Strawberry #32

This strawberry is tucked away during the purple toss at the end of the subchapter. At the top of the screen, your doppelganger throws you up on the left side of spikes, while it dashes to the right. Instead of dashing straight toward the purple orb (and therefore the end of the subchapter), dash to the clear spot on the wall to find a hidden space with the strawberry.


Strawberry #33

At the very start of this portion of Chapter 7 there is a red bubble. Hop in the bubble and fly to the right. You’ll grab a block topped with spikes and see a second red bubble. Just past the bubble near the bottom of the screen is the strawberry.


The strategy is to ride the bubble and dash down to the strawberry. With the fruit in your hands, dash to the disappearing blocks to recover your dashes. Leap from the blocks to the left wall, without using a dash. From the wall dash straight up and then to the left, back into the bubble. Fly it to the left.

From the floating block, hop to the small wall above the bubble. Dash up and to the right to grab the wall above the spikes. There is a small platform below that hides a secret path. This path leads to the jewel, but we will use it a little later.

Now we need to go back to the beginning of the level. Get to the left side of the floating block without dashing. You are going to use your two dashes to reach a small ledge at the edge of the spikes beneath the first bubble. Climb up and then dash into the red bubble, this time flying to the left.

Strawberry #34

Using the bubble at the start of 2500M, fly to the left. If you haven’t make sure to grab Strawberry #33 first. On the left is a hidden area with a small puzzle that leads to the strawberry. The elements of this puzzle are a red bubble, a block that moves when you dash, and lots of spikes.

Dash into the bubble a fly to the left. This dash lowers the moving block. When you hit the wall, quickly hop back to the moving block as it begins to rise up. Using the little momentum, leap straight up at the top of the block’s path to reach the wall straight up.

Wall jump to the left and dash up over the spikes to fall on the strawberry. Fall in between the spiked walls and then use your final dash to lower the moving block so you can reach it with a grab. Once at the top, slide down and fall to the right to land on safe ground.


Jewel #6

This is required to collect the Crystal Heart at the end of the level. Jump into the bubble on the same screen as Strawberry #34 and fly it to the right. This will sail you across multiple screens, including through the tunnel discovered during Strawberry #33. At the end of the tunnel is a spiky gauntlet that requires quick dashes to avoid instant death.

At the start of this long spiky stretch is a red bubble. Hop in and briefly fly to the right before dashing straight up to avoid the spikes. Fall past the spikes and dash right into the green crystal to recharge your dashes. Repeat this up dash and fall process two more times to reach another red bubble.

Fly to the right and then dash up next to the moving block. This will lower the block and allow you to grab it. Ride to the top and then leap over the spikes. When you are clear of the spikes, dash diagonally up to reach the second moving block.

Fall from the top into the red bubble and fly to the right. You need to dash straight up to hit a green button to raise a wall. As the wall goes up, dash to the right to reach a safe and solid wall. Climb up to get to the jewel. Dash into it to collect it. This is the last jewel you need before collecting the Crystal Heart in the final subchapter.

Strawberry #35

Exiting from the Jewel plops you out right beneath this strawberry. If you skipped the jewel, this strawberry can be found in the key room. Take the red bubble in the center of the room up to see it.


To actually collect it, you’ll need to ride the red bubble down. Below are two paths, both blocked with moving sawblades. The path to the strawberry is the one on the left. Fall in the middle of the moving sawblades and then dash at the bottom to reach the right wall.

Climb as high as you can then jump over the sawblade as it travels down. Jump up and dash into the red bubble. Fly up to get to the strawberry.

Strawberry #36

After unlocking the door, use the red bubble on the other side to fly straight up into another room. The strawberry is in the upper right corner and you need to work your way around to the right side of the moving block in the center to get to it.

Dash over the spikes and then hang on the left wall, just above the spring. The moving block will slowly go back to its resting position at the top. When the block stops, use the spring to bounce over the spikes and then dash to grab the right wall.

This time as the block moves up, use the spring to bounce into the block and grab on. The spring recharges yours dashes. At the top, jump off and dash to the strawberry to collect it.


Strawberry #37

After unlocking the door, use the red bubble on the other side to fly straight up into another room. Strawberry #36 is in this room, but the path afterward lead directly to Strawberry #37. You’ll naturally get to the strawberry.

The room after Strawberry #36 features two green switches guarded by moving sawblades. To hit the first switch, climb the left wall and dash into the switch when the blade is on the right. When you fall, dash back to the left wall to land safely.

For the second switch, drop to the spring below to bounce near the switch. Dash into it and then fall to the right and dash to grab the right wall. Climb on out and advance to the next room.

The strawberry is at the end of this hallway. Use the moving block to create momentum and fling yourself to a floating column. Be mindful of the moving sawblades. On the column, time your jump over to the right side when the sawblade is moving down. Quickly jump through the spikes and dash to the upper portion of the next column. Hop over to the other side to avoid the sawblade.

The green crystal will recharge your dashes. Dash off the wall, through the crystal, when the sawblade is moving downward. Dash your way across to the strawberry and safety.

Strawberry #38

These next three strawberries are all found during the final stretch of the subchapter with your doppelgänger. Near the end of the toss up, you will reach a large square platform with a moving block in the center. Walk past the moving block and drop down the left side. Dash into the center of the block to find the strawberry.


Strawberry #39

After snagging Strawberry #38, use the moving block in the center to fling yourself up in between two moving blocks. Hop back and forth between them to avoid the spikes. At the top you can stand on the right block. Jump to the small indent on the right wall to find the strawberry walled off.

There are two switches you need to press to open the pathway to the strawberry. One is in each of the upper corners. From the strawberry’s location, double dash straight up into the right corner to reveal a switch that is walled off. From the right corner, dash to the left to find a switch. Bop the left switch to open the wall to the right switch. Hit the right switch to open the wall to the strawberry. Drop down to collect the fruit. Stay put to grab the next strawberry too!

Strawberry #40

This strawberry is not far from Strawberry #39 at all. It is actually directly across from it on the left. Jump across the gap and double dash into the wall to reveal a hidden area with the fruit.


For the final stretch of this chapter there are numbered checkpoints throughout the level. The higher up the mountain you go, the lower the number gets. If you die, you will be sent back to the nearest checkpoint.

Crystal Heart

Starting at checkpoint #28, right after being tossed up by your second half, go to the right. There you will see the six jewels you collected throughout the level. Stand in the center to recieve the Crystal Heart.


Strawberry #41

After checkpoint #26 you will spot this strawberry dangling above spikes. There is a strong downward wind that constantly pushes you down. Climb up the left wall (wall jumping will work too) to reach the first of a row of green crystals. Dash you way up to the crystal above the strawberry and fall down.

Dash to the right to snag the fruit and then straight up to reach the next green crystal. Use your dashes and the last green crystal to safely reach checkpoint #25 and to secure the strawberry.

Strawberry #42

This strawberry is in between checkpoints #24 and #23. Go ahead and unlock checkpoint #23, since it is closer and if you died you will spawn very close to the strawberry.

Below the checkpoint is a disappearing platform. Drop to it and leap toward the small area with the strawberry, dashing straight up to grab the wall to the right of the fruit. Climb up and jump through the fruit to the left wall. Slide down and dash back to the disappearing platform. Dash straight up to return to checkpoint #23.


Strawberry #43

You’ll find this strawberry right after crossing checkpoint #21. Above the checkpoint is a spring that you must use to advance. After bouncing you can see the strawberry. There is a narrow column block to the left of the strawberry.

Bounce off the spring and then dash to the right side of the column. From here, dash to the strawberry to grab it. Hop back to the column and then jump over to land on the spring. You may either bounce to the right where there is a disappearing platform that leads to a wall climb to safety or dash back to check point #21 to secure the fruit.

Strawberry #44

Stop at checkpoint #18 to take a small detour for this strawberry. If you drop to the little ledge to the left of the checkpoint, you can spot the edge of a cloud off to the left. The wind has now switched to an upward draft which helps keep you in the air slightly longer.

Dash to the cloud and then leap up into the spikes. Follow the path of the spikes with your fall and then dash diagonally to the left then the right to nab the strawberry. Weave your fall around the spikes to land on the green crystal. Dash to the cloud and then hop back to checkpoint #18.

Strawberry #45

This strawberry is beneath checkpoint #16. This may take a few repetitions to actually collect. You need to drop down from the checkpoint and then diagonally dash into the strawberry. Then fall back to the left so you are beneath the wall below the checkpoint. Dash straight up to grab on then climb to safety.


Strawberry #46

This penultimate strawberry is next ot checkpoint #15. Using the upward wind, jump and dash to clear the spikes in between the checkpoint at the strawberry. Grab the wall to the left of the fruit, climb up, then jump and dash over the spikes to land safely on the ground and secure the strawberry.

Strawberry #47

The last strawberry for this lengthy chapter is in between checkpoints #4 and #3. Climb the wall above the fourth checkpoint and use a double dash to go around the spikes to the green crystal. With the recharged dashes, go up and then go to the right to land on a disappearing platform. Jump immediately up and dash once to reach the wall above.

From the wall, dash over the spikes to fall toward and land on a spring. You can see a Golden Feather above. Use the spring and your dashes to reach the feather and then fly downward. Follow the upper curve of the spikes. At the end of the spikes you can spot a single disappearing block up above in between a "V" shape of spikes.

When the feather runs out, use both dashes to reach the single block. Before it vanishes, jump up and double dash above the spiked square in the middle to reach its clear left side. Grab on to the left side.

There are two disappearing platforms left. The strawberry is above the second one. Jump to the fruit and fall down in between the spikes into the Golden Feather. Remember to fly downward. Follow the spikes again, but this time fly out and to the right, using your dashes to reach checkpoint #3.


Congratulations! You have completed the main chapters of Celeste! There is still one more chapter, Chapter 8- Core, plus plenty of B-Sides to complete too! Let the end game begin!

Up Next: Chapter 8- Core

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.