Chapter 5- Mirror Temple - Celeste Guide - IGN (2024)


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Chapter 5 is a doozy. It’s almost maze-like layout will drive anyone searching for all the nooks and crannies up the wall. It even introduces enemies that home in on your character, just for kicks and giggles. Thankfully, this guide is here to help with your quest to collect everything.

Below is a list of all 31 strawberries for this level, as well as the locations for the cassette tape and the Crystal Heart.



Strawberry #1

At the very start of the level, go left to see the gondolla. Jump off the cliff and dash up into the small crevice below. Climb up to find a secret area with the strawberry.

Strawberry #2

After being introduced to the first red bubble in the temple you will enter a larger room with more bubbles. Jump into the first one and take it diagonally up and to the right. This will land you in another bubble, which you need to take to the left. This will take you to the strawberry. Climb up the wall and jump to the right. Jump off to grab the fruit and fall through the spikes. Dash your way out at the bottom to eascape and secure the strawberry.

Strawberry #3

Go to the bottom of the large room wiht red bubbles littered throughout and follow the path to the right, jumping over the red bubble waiting there. This leads to a room with three blocks that move when you dash. The strawberry is on the far right.

Jump onto the first block. Leap off and dash over the second to land on the clear ground beneath the third. Jump to the wall and collect the strawberry. Now jump over the third block and dash to land beneath the second block. Climb onto the first block and get to safety.


Strawberry #4

The room to the left of Strawberry #3 houses this strawberry. You need to use the red bubbles to safely navigate the spikes by dashing out of them before hitting the walls. Ride the bubble up and then dash to the right. Drop down into the next bubble and take it to the left. Dash down before hitting the wall.

Strawberry #5

This strawberry is found in the room to the left of Strawberry #4. Numbers three, four, and five are all connected in adjacent rooms. The trick to collecting this strawberry is the spring platform that moves when you dash.

Bounce on it and then dash to the left to land back again on the spring. Bounce to the wall and collect the fruit. Jump and dash up above where the spring stops on the far left side. Bounce your way back to the right as the spring slowly slides back to its starting position.

Strawberry #6

At the bottom of the room with Strawberry #5 there is a small path that leads to another room. In the center is this strawberry. Hop onto the moving block and dash. Ride the momentum to fly through the spikes and grab the strawberry.

Strawberry #7

In the bottom left corner of Strawberry 6’s room is a path that leads to another room. Jump down and dash to grab the moving block. Ride it back to its resting place and climb to the top. Jump over the spiked moving block and dash up through the floor to safety. Bop the green button to open the column.


In the room ot the left is the strawberry. You’ll need to use your dash to move the blocks and the green crystal to regenerate that dash. Jump and dash to the first block and ride it to the crystal. Generate your dash and hop to the right wall. When the crystal returns, dash through it and then drop. With the first block lowered, diagonally dash upward to reach the second block. Now jump to the strawberry.

Leap over the second block and dash into the first. Hop over the spikes to the other side. Recharge your dash and then make your way back to solid ground. It is okay if you die here since you will have secured the strawberry already.

Strawberry #8

In the bottom right corner of Strawberry 6’s room is a path that leads to another room. Jump down and dash diagonally to the right to reach the right side of the moving block. Ride it back briefly then jump to the wall. Climb up and bop the green button to open the column.

In the room ot the right is the strawberry. You’ll use the dash platform to fling yourself up into the red bubble. Ride to the right and dash down into the second bubble, directing it to the upper left. Dash down between the spiked walls and fall into the third bubble. As you go to the right, dash down when above the exit to secure the strawberry.

Strawberry #9

Back into the main room, make your way to the center bubble and move it to the upper left. Break the wall on the left to reveal the strawberry.


Strawberry #10

Back into the main room, make your way to the center bubble and move it straight up. At the top, go two rooms to the left to find this strawberry.

Grab onto the moving block and dash. Use the momentum to leap over the block and reach the wall with the strawberry and green crystal. Recharge your dash and wait for the crystal to return. Dash off the wall, regaining a dash in the process, and grab the block. At the end, jump off and dash to safety with strawberry in tow.

Strawberry #11

Back into the main room, make your way to the center bubble and move it straight up. At the top you can see a moving block. Dash through the spikes to summon the block down. Use its upward momentum and a dash to push yourself onto the next screen.

Diagonally dash over the first moving block to grab its right side. Before it returns to the spike wall, jump off and grab the second block. Jump off, hitting the green crystal on the way and dash diagonally up past the spikes where the second block will go. Climb up to reach the strawberry.

Strawberry #12

This strawberry’s secret entrance is along the main path. You have to go this route to get a key to continue the story.

Back into the main room, make your way to the center bubble and move it straight up. At the top you can see a path through spikes that goes into a room on the right. To make it through this spiky path, you need to go over two rooms to the left and use the first bubble to fly across the screens.


In this new room, your goal is to get to the bubble in the lower right corner. Use the first bubble to cross spikes and diagonally dash out of it, successfully avoiding the moving sawblades below to reach the second bubble. There is a small rounded shape in the blocks above the bubble. You need to dash into this to find a small alcove with a button. Press it and return to the bubble to safely leave the room.

After getting the key (you may have done so already), hop into the bubble and go to the right. This takes you to a secret area with the strawberry.

There are two switches you need to flip to access the fruit itself. Go for the left switch first. Make your way to the upper left bubble and fly down to the switch, dashing to the right after you flip it. Climb the wall and jump over the spikes to the nearby bubble. Ride this diagonally to the right and dash into the upper right bubble. Exit to the right and slide down the wall to the switch. Reenter the upper right bubble and go to the left, falling back into the first bubble. Move it to the right to get the strawberry.


Strawberry #13

Right after talking to Theo in the mirror, jump up to the left and dash to find a small path. In the room above is another bubble and spike challenge. Use the bubble in the left corner to go through the spikes. Dash down, avoiding the spikes while falling, and land in the second bubble. Make sure to dash up at the end before hitting the wall of spikes.

Strawberry #14

After talking to Theo and walking past the mirror, you’ll enter a large dark room. There are small blue lights that ignite when you touch them. You will light them as you go through the room.


When you enter the room, climb up the left wall above you. Soon you’ll spot the red spikes. To the right is a small platform: Jump to it. Then jump and dash above the spikes to grab onto a moving block. Ride it to its resting place and climb up the wall. Wall jump if you are running low on stamina. Go into the left corner of the room above.

This flying strawberry requires you to use the red bubbles without dashing to get to the fruit. Use the first two bubbles to fly straight up and then fall into the next bubble. In the third bubble, fly to the left and grab the wall. Climb up the wall and then jump and dash into the strawberry, using the green crystal to recharge your dash.

Drop down and dash diagonally upward to fall into the bubble below. Repeat the technique of flying up and then falling into the adjacent bubble to exit the room.

Strawberry #15

Back in the central room, walk along the bottom. After passing a small hill, check the right hand side to find a hole leading down. In the room below, use the moving block to gain momentum and fly across the room to the far wall. Climb up and collect the strawberry.

Strawberry #16

At the top of the central room is a path leading to a room above. In that room you can spot this strawberry to the right. You need to weave your way through the spike to reach the fruit. Jump out and dash through the middle of the spikes. Grab the block that lowered itself. While it goes back upward, wait and drop the block below bfore hitting the spikes. Now jump up diagonally to reach and grab the far right wall. Climb up and leap over the spikes to reach the strawberry.


Strawberry #17

You probably spotted this strawberry during #14 and #16 in the middle of the room behind two pillars. Go to the top of the main room and jump off to the right where you can spot the path up to this strawberry in an unlit part of the screen. Climb up the path to retrieve the fruit.

Strawberry #18

After leaving the central room of this subchapter, the next large room you will enter has a large statue at the top. Journey down to the lower left corner of the room to find a path downward. In this next room are two moving blocks that part from the middle when you dash. Move the blocks and get inbetween them. A small hole in the ground will hide you from being smushed. Grab onto the left block and dash to fling yourself across the room toward the fruit.

Strawberry #19

Leave the lower left corner of the statue room and go to the room on the right. Walking across the ground, you’ll soon come across a small hole that leads below.


Inside you can see the strawberry in the center of the room. Use either red bubble and slam into the column in the middle. Jump over the spikes to the other side of the column, nabbing the strawberry along the way. Jump off and dash toward the nearest bubble and fly to safety.

Strawberry #20

Go back toward the statue and hop in the red bubble above the lower left corner. Fly to the right to enter the upper area of the room that lead to Strawberry #19. There are two platforms in the middle of the room shrouded in darkness. Jump to them to reach a green switch in the right corner.

After hitting the switch, drop to the floor and enter the room to the right, which is now open. There are two moving blocks on opposite sides of each other. You need to use a small platform near the lower one and dash to it. Hop over the spikes as it moves back to its resting place. Jump and dash upward to land on the second block as it slides beneath you. Again, hop the spikes and bop the green button.

Ride the top block back to the right corner and use it to jump and dash to the upper right corner of the room. This hides a small path to the strawberry. After nabbing the fruit, drop to the floor back in the previous room and enter the newly accessible room on the right.

Strawberry #21

Follow the steps of Strawberry #20 to gain access to this room. There are three strawberry seeds scattered throughout the room. You must grab all three without touching the floor.


Starting on the left, dash up to the first seed. Climb up to gain a little height and the leap to the left side of the block in the center. Hop over to the right side, grab the second seed, and drop to land on the spring below. This will recharge your dash. Grab onto the right side of the block and dash to fling yourself across the room to the right wall. Climb up to get the third seed. Now you may collect the strawberry.

Before leaving, enter the lower right corner to find the cassette tape!

Cassette Tape

You can find this cassette tape by entering the hidden tunnel in the room with Strawberry #21. This is the cassette room. The blue and pink platforms alternate based off the beat of the music. Time your jumps to navigate the room on the alternating platforms to grab the tape. This unlocks Chapter 5’s B Side level.

Strawberry #22

Go back toward the statue and hop in the red bubble above the lower left corner. Fly straight up to enter another red bubble. Fly this one diagonally up and to the left to find a hidden room with the strawberry.

Use the bubbles to navigate around the room in a clockwise direction. Dash into the first bubble and fly to the wall on the left. Climb up into the second bubble and fly diagonally toward the strawberry, grabbing the wall at the end. Drop down and dash into the third bubble and fly to the right. Dash down before hitting the spike wall at the end to claim the strawberry as your own.


Strawberry #23

At the statue, take the bubble on the right side up to find the room with this strawberry.

You’ll go around the room in a counterclockwise direction. Using the first bubble, fly to the right and diagonally dash out to land on the clear side of the column with the green crystal. Dash up to the strawberry and climb into the second bubble. Dash out of the bubble and land in the small gap inbetween the spikes on the floor.

Crystal Heart

After getting the key above the statue, enter the room beneath the statue to the right. Hop into the bubble a fly across the screen to the right. Do not enter the door at the end! Instead, enter the second bubble and dash up into the second platform on your way back. This leads to a secret path above the door.

Make your way through the long hallway to reach the next room. When you arrive head to the bottom and break the brown block in the floor. This reveals another locked door that you can use the key on. Go through the door to enter the Crystal Heart’s room.

To navigate this darker room, you need to go along the edges. Drop down to the first moving block. Dash to use its momentum to fling yourself across the room to a platform in the middle. Jump to the next set of moving blocks and then climb up the right side of the room. Jump out to the moving block and use it to reach stationairy platforms. Hop across these to reach the Crystal Heart.



This portion of the chapter only has one strawberry in it and can be found early one. Once you start moving after the encounter with your doppelgänger is when you should be on the hunt.

Strawberry #24

After the dream fish come to life, you can find this strawberry in the second room with the fish. There is a red block in the right corner that can be broken by the fish. Either by leading it into the block to ram it or bopping the fish near the block so it sends out a wave when it respawns. Either way, with the block destroyed you can nab the strawberry and escape the room.


This portion of the chapter begins after a brief pep talk with yourself. The advance the chapter, you need to collect two of three keys scattered throughout the area. To collect all of the strawberries however, you need all three. This guide below will detail collecting all three keys as well as all strawberries.

Strawberry #25

Head to the upper left corner of the main room to find a path in the dark. Drop down and dash into the red bubble below.

This dash will move the spike-covered moving blocks allowing you to fly across the screen to the left. Dash up to hit the green crystal. This will keep the blocks up and out of your way as you dash to the ground on the left.


Drop down into the next room which will be called the Key Room to grab the fruit.

Strawberry #26

After dropping through the ceiling with Strawberry #25 in the Key Room, head to the lower right corner of the Key Room to find a pathway. In the room below on the left is the strawberry room in question.

Dash into the bubble to move the spiked block. Once on the other side of the block, dash upward and grab the wall. Quickly climb up and leap to the small square block on the left. Crouch to avoid the spikes on the ceiling. The small block will stop at the strawberry. Dash to the left to drop into the bubble below and fly to safety.

Key #1

Exiting the room with Strawberry #26 leads out the the lower left corner of the main room. There is a yellow switch you can hit that opens access to this area. After hitting the switch, drop into the small hole in the floor. This pathway leads to the first key.

Use your dashes to move blocks out of the way as your progress through the room to avoid spikes. As you enter the next room, you’ll use the large moving block in the floor to fling yourself up high enough to land in the red bubble on the right. Fly the the upper left to reach the entrance to the key.


Key #2

The pathway to the next key is in the lower right corner of the main room. You’ll drop down into a room with a dream fish and four switches. Avoid the annoying fish and hit all of the switches to open the door in the left corner.

Fly across the starting area in the red bubble and then drop down the long tunnel that is adjacent to the path for Key #1. At the bottom is a room with a fish. Dodge the nightmare fuel and go into the next room with two switches and another fish.

Bop on the fish to get enough air to hit the high switch and bait the fish into flying into the left switch since it is behind a wall of spikes. With the door open, you can enter the final stretch. Use the spings to ascend to the top of the room and to reach the key.

Strawberry #27

Along the right wall of the main room is a destructible red block. Lure the fish from the center of the room over to the block to break it. On the other side is a spiky floor with a island of safety in the middle. Before following the path straight up, journey to the right. There is another spiky floor with moving blocks. Jump out into the middle of the floor and dash to find a small hole leading down.


You’ll find this strawberry down here. Drop into the dream fish area and hop across the small columns while avoiding the fish. Snag the strawberry on the left and try to hit the fish so your journey back is safe. Use the spring to get back up to safety.

Strawberry #28

Along the right wall of the main room is a destructible red block. Lure the fish from the center of the room over to the block to break it. On the other side is a spiky floor with a island of safety in the middle. Before following the path straight up, journey to the right.

Hop onto the right-hand wall of the block. Dash and use the momentum to fling yourself across the room to a pair of moving blocks. Climb up and hit the green crystal to recharge your dash. With it recharged, dash up to land on the path with the strawberry.

Key #3

Above Strawberry #28 is a small path that leads to the dream fish above. Climb up and lead the fish up and around to the platform above. There is a desctrucible block on the right. Lead the fish to smash into the block. When the way is open, go through the shield so the fish cannot follow.

This next part involves using dashes to move blocks that you can land on to avoid the spikes. Weave your way around the room and the spikes to reach the third and final key. You need this key to get Strawberry #30.


Strawberry #29

Open the two doors in the center of the main room and then follow their path to the right. You’ll enter a room with a red bubble. Hop in and fly down to reach the strawberry you can see floating below.

Strawberry #30

Use the bubble on the right of the main room to fly across and enter the final leg of this subchapter. As you drop down, you will see disappearing blocks. Hop over them to the left to find the third locked door. Unlock it with the third key and grab the strawberry.


This final subchapter is like an escort mission of sorts, where you carry Theo trapped in his crystal through the final rooms while dodging dream fish. There is only one strawberry in this portion.

Strawberry #31

This strawberry is easily seen, but tricky to actually access. It is in a room with two switches that you need to hit to advance. On the other side of the gate that the two switches unlocks is a third switch behind a wall of crystals. You need to lure the fish into hitting the switch, located on the wall, so that the gate to the strawberry opens.

Dash up to the strawberry’s gate and time your jump off so that the fish dashes into the switch. The image below is the set up used for this guide.


Up Next: Chapter 6- Reflection

PreviousChapter 4- Golden RidgeNextChapter 6- Reflection

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  • Strawberries
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Chapter 5- Mirror Temple - Celeste Guide - IGN (1)


Matt Makes Games Inc.

ESRB: Everyone 10+
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.