Trancy - YouTube AI Sous-titres Bilingues & Language Reactor Pro (2024)

What is going on ladies and gentlemen?

Oh, oh, welcome back to the channel.

My name is Mark.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, and today we're going to be going over seven things that I wish I knew about cars when I was younger.

I feel like a lot of the people on my YouTube channel are young people.

The older people that watch my videos love to help out the young people,

which is, by the way, I want to say really quick, which is an amazing community we got going.

It's great.

We young people that want to learn and older people that want to teach, and it all just comes together as one big thing.

Well, I really was right into it, and number seven is space.


People tell you all the time, especially parents, people tell you all the time that you should not get a small car with no space.

It's first car.

And over time, I'm starting to realize they're right, man.

I have both my cars are very small.

I a 350Z and an Acura Integra.

This is the Integra.

And both these cars are small cars.

Before these cars,

I had a PT Cruiser,

which is definitely not a big car, but it has a lot more space in it than both those other cars.

And I had that thing, life was a lot more easy.

For example, right now, literally what's going on right now with me is I need to get tires for my Integra.

I have the wheels, I need to get tires.

Well, I'm in a bit of a car.

pickle because I can go and pick up the tires.

I enough space to pick up four tires.

That's fine.

But when I get the tires,

I will not have enough space to put all four tires and all four wheels in the car to bring them down to get mounted and balanced,

which is now an issue.

It's kind of always a little bit of a problem.

On top of that, another thing with space is interior.

In interior space my bed.

I'm the type of person that loves to drive.

If going somewhere with my friends I'm driving.

I trust other people to drive me around.

It's something against other people.

They're good drivers I just have a little bit of anxiety when it comes to that.

I like that.

It me freak out I like driving myself and so I'd rather drive everybody else on top of that

I don't like drink or do any partying drugs or like that.

I to go to parties, but I don't do any of the crazy stuff that other people do.

And so I'm always relatively sober and so I can always drive and you can't trust other people to do that.

You know,

other people will say,

oh, yeah, I'll stay sober, but then you see them in the corner, downing a four loco, and you're like, well, how that sober?

I don't understand and then they crashed and you all that it's just not a good idea

And so I like driving myself but with cars like this or my 350z I really can't do that

I can fit one person in here.

We're all 20 year old men So nobody's fitting in the back of this car and then my 350z only has two seats

So it's nothing to take into consideration.

Do you like driving people around?

So definitely think about space if you're the type of person that likes to be you know alone and

You're not too worried about the whole like Transporting stuff issue then yeah,

you're fine But definitely keep those things in consideration the next thing is dancing your car really does ruin its driving experience

This is kind of obvious.

I know But trust me guys like I most people watch and some people watching this are gonna be like how do people not know that?

But when you're young trust me you don't think that this is gonna make a difference.

It does now I don't have either of my cars stanced.

I would say both of them are lowered,

but I wouldn't say either of them are stanced However,

I did notice both cars going from stock height to lowered automatically makes a driving

experience on public roads a little bit more stressful I would say.

It's not horrible it's not impossible and for the most part you don't really notice it that much but sometimes when you go over bumps

and you hear that scraping noise it does kind of remind me.

that is a stancing is even crazier I mean stancing these cars are portions

off the ground every little bump is gonna hurt I mean I I love it I

love how it looks I mean my name is I put my website a smooth stance because I loved

it it's back today

But I just don't it's it really driving that really is a issue on top of that

You can get the whole stance thing without literally slamming it on the ground and I think it's like functional stance

I like that better anyway.

I think it looks a whole lot better,

and it's a lot cooler and Even then though even if you just like lower it to track speed or whatever,

you're still going to have a little bit of a worse experience than just driving it at Stocklight on public roads.

Now the reason why we do this,

or the reason why people lower their cars,

and I'm not saying you shouldn't lower your car, I absolutely think almost every car out there should be lowered.

I think they look all 10 times better,

they all handle 10 times better, and that's exactly the reason why people lower their cars is they want.

to handle better and stiffer suspension really does help a lot with handling however the downside

to that is now driving on public roads you have race car suspension on a on a street car so you

got to keep that in a good situation but anyway the next step the next thing i wish i knew when i was

young boy is

Driving a car or I should say racing a car racing a car is not like gaming at all

I don't know what it is people have gotten into their minds nowadays that if you

Play video games enough play racing games enough that you can become a good racer and it definitely applies I don't want to make it.

I don't want to make it out to seem like playing sim racing games.

It's not to help your racing etiquette.

That's not true.

If you play with sim racing games, it will help in the long run.

It really will,

but it's not the same and you have to kind of realize that there are a lot of things that games,

video games don't factor into the consideration.

First of all is bumps.

Bumps make a car react very different.

Every track has them.

A of racing games don't put those exact bumps into their game.

You're not going to be used to that.

On top of that, every car handles differently.

Yes, in Forza, you can technically put the same modifications on your car that you're putting on in real life.

But those mods don't actually feel that way in real life.

They're not gonna feel exactly the same way that they're feeling on top of that a other opponents a high and racing

games Significantly easier than how people act in real life Think about it way if you're a great racer,

and know exactly the right racing line, and you know exactly how to overtake enemies That's great, but guess what every single other person on?

the track with you is the exact same way now.

It's not like you have easy AI to overtake.

It also doesn't matter if you bump into people in racing games.

In real life that does matter.

So yes,

racing games help you and they help you learn racing lines and help you learn when to brake and how cars react for the most


But there's are not you should not be like okay I've played racing games for five years I

think it's time to hop into a sports car and immediately take it to my first

racing event no you still need to practice still get yourself acquainted

under the seat and you'll get a lot better that way but anyway next is number

four and that is that the community online the car community on the internet is much more toxic than the car community in real life.

It is horrible.

Dude, the internet is filled with people that are gonna hate you.

Okay, so do not take everything you see on the internet 100% true.

Now, there are some people out there, like I said in the beginning of this video, that do want

to help, but it's very hard to tell.

A lot of people online are just going to insult you and roast you and call you an idiot.

A lot of people online are also going to let their biases get in the way so if you ask,

oh it's a Corvette,

a good car,

if they're a Ford guy they're going to be like no they're horrible cars,

but in reality they are good cars,

however I've noticed over the years that in real life people are much nicer and

much more open and helpful and they're just 10 times better so please do not let the

internet car community drag you away from the actual car community because like I

said in real life it's gonna be a whole lot better you're gonna have a much better experience than if you're online.

Sorry I had to take a sip of mine.

my aqua my aqua there okay buddy next up third place is that nobody cares how cool your car is

nobody cares how cool your sick whip ride is dude nobody except for other car guys that's it

if you want to impress people People buying a cool car is not the way to do it, okay?

Do something else,

get jacked or something,

be good at sports,

be a singer, be an actor, I don't know, but buying a cool car is not the way to do it, okay, okay.

Now this is something that we all thought when we first started liking cars,

let's be honest, is that everybody likes cars and that every car out there is super cool.

Everybody's gonna love it.

It's not the case man women most of the time aren't gonna care about your car bro I'm sorry to break the news to you other like to up people like you know lawyers and people

like let's say You're going to get a house or something you go to the bank your bank your loan officer is not gonna care

How cool your car is the only people that care about how cool your car is is other cars?

guys which is in reality that's enough anyway I mean having that you know

extra bonus of another car guy out of red light seeing you and waving to you

and both you guys just smiling from here to here knowing that you guys both share

the same passion that's enough to be honest with me but yeah don't ex I thought

the same thing back when I was your guys's age I thought you know I'm gonna

get myself a 350Z and all the grilies are going to be lining up and showing me their belly buttons

and I'm going to be all up in the belly buttons picking out the lint.

It's not the case, man.

You're not picking out any lint in any car.

It really, unless you, I mean, obviously, yeah, there's a big difference.

If you have a Lamborghini, yes, people are going to like you just because you have the Lamborghini, but I mean more or less.

long lines of realistic cars,

you you're not, people aren't coming up to my Acura and Tegra and slapping their nipples on the hood of it, that's not happening.

It may happen in Lambo,

but it's not gonna happen in this car,

it's not gonna happen in most of the cars that we all are going to afford one day.

So just keep that in mind.

I mean, it doesn't really matter, and it really shouldn't affect your stance on the car.

in all that but if you are the type of person that's trying to do it for

clout well I'm sorry to break the news for you but this is not the community

to do it in next up and especially this is a little reason why this is not the

community to look for clout in because the second thing that I wish I knew when

I was a young boy is the price yeah man there's a lot of cheaper ways to get

to look cool than buying a car car.

These things are expensive.

On top of that everything about them is expensive.

All the cars that people want nowadays are more expensive than normal cars.

My 350Z back when I bought it was 5 grand and it had problems.

It a salvage title for 5 grand.

Nowadays that same car.

My salvage title for the 50Z is probably going to run 8, 7, 7, 8.

$8,000 I would say on top of that all these other other cars out there are just they're just flying up in price dude every

car That's cool in the community is expensive.

I mean GSR integrals are over five grand now This car but with a slightly better motor is over five thousand dollars

It's crazy the prices nowadays on top of that even after you do buy the car prices to modify it are not cheap

A lot of people think like because in racing games you pay a very small amount of money to paint your car

So a lot of people think oh that's gonna How that's how it's gonna be in real life.

Nope don't expect that it is expensive to paint car.

It would cost me the same amount of money it cost me to buy this car to have somebody professionally painted.

Okay, I paid three grand for this Integra.

It would cost me around that much to have a professional paint this car.

Materials and all that stuff included.

It would cost me around three grand.

That's crazy.

Prices in the car community are wild and I

I'm still to this day I've been in the community like seriously in the community since I've

been 18 and I'm 23 now I'm 5 years into it and I'm still learning about how expensive some things are.

Like for example, O2 sensors for my 350Z are usually 80 bucks which isn't that big a deal.

I'm literally going to pick up an O2 sensor right now for this car.

120 bucks caught me off guard.

I was slapped out of left field I was like where did that come from where's my 350c prices,

but apparently it's just not the same It's just it is crazy get used to prices being high do not expect to have your dream car at 18 years old because it's not gonna happen

Man cars are expensive your dream cars probably even more expensive and parts of

and make modifying them and everything about them is also very expensive but the

first thing that I wish I knew when I was getting into the car worlds things I

wish I knew about cars when I was younger is that people do not respect

your stuff I this is I mean this is goes along lines of life you know I mean

never never wants to do trust other people around you, and how close of a friend they are to you to respect your stuff.

They're not saying they're bad friends.

They're not.

They're good people.

I that you're friends with them for a reason.

They're fun to be around, but when it's not their stuff, they don't care.

Now, at the end of the day, yes, most of your friends will still like defend you, and if you let's say like you.

Crash your car they're gonna help you out at least if you have good friends

I mean my friends are like that

You know if I crashed this car and I needed help with that one of them if I needed like rides somewhere

They would absolutely help me out with that

But what I mean by respect your stuff is more along the lines of like let's say you do decide to get a car with

Enough space and you do start to drive your friends around do not expect them to keep that car clean.

They They won't do that.

On top of that,

if you're,

let's say you want to work,

if you need somebody to do something on your car for you, don't expect that mechanic to respect your stuff.

He's not going to care.

He's going to fix your car for the most part, hopefully, but he's not going to care about it.

You know, it's not his vehicle.

They do not care.

On top of that, let's say you're buying a part.

You're buying a part for your car.

Don't expect the supplier of that part

to send you the right part right away because they don't care about your build as much as you do.

Don't expect them to send it fast because they don't care about it as much as you do.

You have to remember every man is out there for himself.

all they care about is themselves.

They help you.

I'm not saying that people are evil because like I said friends for the most part are going to help.

But even friends will you know like I said make a mess in your car because they don't care about it man.

It's the same thing with like I'm getting into real estate right now right like I'm trying to buy a multi-family house and rent it

out to people so I'm doing a of research on that stuff.

and one of the things that people say a lot with real estate is if you're going to be a landlord

you got to remember that people are not going to respect your stuff there either

so they're going to you know if you if you give them a stove expect that stove to be broken after

the year is up you know what i mean so it's just simple things like that you know don't

don't expect don't trust people to take care of your stuff for you It's not happen.

Always kind of be a little bit stressed when leaving your car with somebody else,

or when having somebody else in your car,

or when somebody else is working in your car,

whatever it is,

always just kind of make sure that you could actually trust this person and expect something a little bit to be dirty,

or at least, because it will happen.

But anyway guys, that the end of today's video.

I'll say, I have things that I wish I knew before getting into cars.

I hope you guys learned a few things if you're young, if you're old, or I say old, but I'm 23.

If you're older, definitely leave some tips down below of other things that you wish you knew when you were younger for the young guys.

I know you guys always do that.

Like I said in the beginning of the video,

The older people in my in my YouTube comments always try and help out the younger people,

which is awesome So I know you guys will already probably you probably already have left some opinions down below it's gonna help out some people

So thank you,

but yeah,

if you uh Whoa,

baby as far as clutch is so shocked dude and it's like five new clutches but anyway yeah if you guys

enjoy thank you so much for watching I appreciate all support lately we are

running at 17 minutes oh that's gonna hurt sorry guys but anyway Paspidania have a nice night

Trancy - YouTube AI Sous-titres Bilingues & Language Reactor Pro (2024)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.