SWTOR Classes: Beginners guide to all Roles and Disciplines (2024)

A Beginners Guide to all SWTOR classes and disciplines in the game to help you make your choice of what role do you want to play and why!

The guide is up-to-date for Patch 7.5

This guide is an addition to my Ultimate SWTOR Beginners Guide.

The Old Republic is the only massively-multiplayer online game with a Free-to-Play option that puts you at the center of your own story-driven Star Warsaga.

Wondering which class in SWTOR to play? Play as a Jedi, a Sith, a Bounty Hunter or as one of many other Star Wars iconic roles and explore an age over three-thousand years before the classic films. Become the hero of your own Star Wars adventure as you choose your path down the Light or Dark side of the Force.

Table of contents

  • What Classes you can play in SWTOR
  • How Combat Styles work in SWTOR
  • Republic Classes Overview
  • Empire Classes Overview
  • SWTOR Game Setting and Plot

What Classes you can play in SWTOR

There are eight main classes in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Four for each side of the conflict – The Sith Empire and The Republic.

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Each of these classes has two advanced class specializations that you choose right at the very beginning of your journey. Once you make this choice, you stick with it. It’s permanent.

With Game Update 7.0 BioWare started calling the Advanced Classes “Combat Styles”. In this guide, you will see both terms. They are describing the same thing.

Here’s a quick list of all main classes and their advanced class options:



Republic Trooper:

Republic Trooper


Imperial Agent

Jedi Knight

Sith Warrior

Jedi Consular

Sith Inquisitor

In terms of specs, the four Empire classes and advanced classes mirror those on the Republic side of the conflict. They each have their own stories, ability animations and personal problems, but in terms of playability and class mechanics, they are identical.

The mirrors are exactly in the same order as I listed the classes and advanced classes above. This means that if you have learned how to play one of the specs of the Jedi Sentinel class, you would have what it takes to play very easily the mirror class – the Marauder – and its specs.

While you can play each one of these classes and advanced classes separately, they are actually connected. All of the events that happen to them are happening in the same universe.

The most curious thing is that some of the stories have tiny connections and references to each other in a few places as part of the main narrative of the game.

Which class to play first

You can choose a combat style and play it as your main, level it up, participate in the EndGame and get the best gear available. Or you can choose to experience them all and become an alto-holic.

There is no limit or requirement of which class you should play first. Some classes are considered to be closer to what BioWare might consider the SWTOR Canon storyline.

The Jedi Knight origin class story is considered to be the main storyline of the game. BioWare never said it is the canon, but every piece of promotional materials, clips, and the game setting and mission design after the origin story ends, all serve as evidence and support the statement that the Knight is the main character and class of the game strictly from a story perspective.

Which is the best class and role to play

BioWare tweaks SWTOR class balance often. Usually, this happens around the Summer time each year. If your class has recently been changed (check SWTOR Patch Notes Archives to find out) there is a good chance it will not be re-balanced soon. Exceptions are possible, of course.

Each class in SWTOR has its strong and weak sides. As a new player, you should not be bothered with what the hardcore community is discussing at the moment. PvP is never balanced and you would often hear how this or that role and spec is “overpowered” or “nerfed to the ground”.

This is not always true. Often the player skills and experience back up the performance of the characters in combat, but just as often they can cause a player to believe their spec is inferior to another.

No single class excels in everything all the time. They all have a weakness somewhere and this is by design.

How to tell which class is best for you

In your very early steps on the very starter planet, you will be granted enough abilities to get a basic understanding of how this class plays out. This should give you a good overview and the knowledge to know if you want to continue playing and developing it or choose another.

Mastering a class and spec in SWTOR is no easy task, but this is usually only an issue in the toughest EndGame content. The leveling process is very new-player-friendly and the casual Story Mode group content is also very forgiving. Perfect for you to learn what your class can do.

Each of the eight main classes has a perfectly unique story to play through. Based on your pace and patience it can take anywhere from 10-12 hours all the way up to 50+ to finish the first three Chapters of a class’ Origin Story.

Each advanced class has three discipline paths. Some classes can choose to be healers or DPS (damage dealer), others could be a Tank or DPS, while some are eternally stuck with DPS.

In the next section of this guide, I have a full explanation of what Combat Styles and Disciplines are, how they work, and everything you need to know about them.

The section after that is dedicated to showing you what each discipline for each class does, in basics only, of course. An in-depth class and discipline guide is linked to them if you are at the point where basics just don’t cover it for you any more.

How Combat Styles work in SWTOR

In 2014 the classic Advanced Class Skill Trees were replaced with what Disciplines. The Legacy of the Sith 7.0 expansion introduced the term “Combat Style” to replace “Advanced Classes” as the game now allows players to select a second Combat Style for each character and separate story from class. To learn more, check out the Combat Styles Guide.

At its very core, the Disciplines System offers a wider array of impactful utility choices to expand your character and the ability for a character’s identity to surface much earlier in the level path. Three different Disciplines are available for each advanced class.

From a player’s perspective, interacting with the Discipline system couldn’t be easier. Disciplines can now be chosen right from the very beginning. You can preview each of them to see what they are all about, and once you see one you like, you simply select and commit it!

The chosen discipline path is automatically set to your current level, so if you want to abandon and switch disciplines (similar to resetting skill points on the trees), you can take on the challenge of a new role with ease. To make sure newer characters could immediately feel the identity of their chosen discipline at lower levels, many important abilities are obtained/learned at low level.

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The left side of your Combat Style Tab shows your character, its Light and Dark ranking as well as the currently active Combat Style and Discipline.

On the Right side you will find the Abilities and Ability Tree section. As you level up, you will learn new passive and active abilities and from time to time you will be presented with a choice to select one out of three abilities.

You can revert your choices as often as you like, which gives you an edge in battle as you are able to pick the best and most suitable passives and active abilities for the upcoming boss or warzone match.

Republic Classes Overview

Here you will find a brief and easy-to-understand description of all Republic Advanced Classes and their respective Disciplines. For nearly all of the Disciplines, there are individual very in-depth guides. They are linked below too. Descriptions of classes and specs include bits from the in-game codex.


Unstoppable and utterly fearless, Vanguards wade into battle wearing advanced heavy armor. They are the first and best line of defense in the Republic military, ignoring personal risk and stepping into the line of fire to divert danger from allies and innocents. Though their tactical role is inherently dangerous, Specialists have an uncanny survivability due to their expert defensive tactics and technology.

All Vanguards learn to use personal shield generators and can opt to acquire the skills of an Assault Specialist, relying on shield power surges and energy blade attacks to do damage at short range and prevent an enemy from fleeing; the skills of a Shield Specialist, further training in advanced armor and defenses in order to absorb damage and protect allies; and Tactics, specializing in explosives and weapons that penetrate a target’s armor

Base class: Republic Trooper. Unstoppable and utterly fearless, Vanguards are the first and best line of defense in the Republic military. They can perform as Tanks or Melee Damage Dealers and prefer to use Assault Rifles. Available Combat Disciplines: Shield Specialist, Plasmatech and Tactics.

Shield Specialist (Tank)

Storming to the front line with a powerful charge, the Shield Specialist Vanguard can withstand any incoming offensive. They boldly take the brunt of the attack, while employing a wide range of tech-based attacks to gas, blast and jolt their enemies into oblivion.

Key abilities:

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Riot Gas
Throws down a canister of Riot Gas over the immediate area for several seconds.

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Energy Blast
Throws down a canister of Riot Gas over the immediate area for several seconds.

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Swap places with a group member and put a protecting buff on them.

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Ion Storm
Sprays waves of ionizing energy around, dealing AoE elemental damage to multiple targets.

To learn more, read the In-Depth Shield Specialist 6.0 Vanguard PvE Class Guide

Plasmatech (Damage)

Burning their way through hostile forces and so effectively with the latest in weaponized plasma technology. The Plasmatech stands their own, striking their enemy with waves and rounds of raw incendiary power that persists in their searing destruction.

Key abilities:

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Strikes the target with an overcharged rifle butt.

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Incendiary Round
Launches an incendiary projectile, setting the target ablaze.

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Plasma Flare
Emits an energetic plasma burst, dealing elemental damage to the target.

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Drenches the target with a blast of plasma, if the target dies, the effect spreads to the closest enemy.

Plasmatech Full PvE Guide

Best Plasmatech Solo Build

Tactics (Damage)

Tactics Vanguard is a pro at executing a focused line of attack on a hostile target with great efficiency. From up-close vibroblades in the gut to deadly charges of explosive plastique thrown from a distance, all manner of effective strategies for eliminating enemies.

Key abilities:

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Guts the target with a vibroblade, dealing damage and causing bleed.

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Tactical Surge
Fires a concentrated surge of energy at an enemy target.

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Assault Plastique
Throws a moldable plastic explosive that sticks to the target and detonates after several seconds.

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Cell Burst
Unleashes your stored energy to decimate the target.

Tactics Full PvE Guide

Best Tactics Solo Build

Republic Commando

Trained in superior tactics and weaponry, Commandos charge onto the battlefield with massive assault cannons, overwhelming their enemies with brute firepower. Whether taking out a bunker or driving back an Imperial charge with a hail of concussive bolts, the Commando’s high-powered hardware dominates the scene, laying waste to all who fall within its range.

All Commandos learn to use powerful assault cannons, and can opt to learn the skills of a Combat Medic, using proven Republic medical training to heal and protect allies; Gunnery, utilizing a variety of assault cannon loadouts to burn, crush and incapacitate enemies; and Tactics, specializing in explosives and weapons that penetrate a target’s armor.

The Commando mainly focuses on using their powerful weaponry (such as rockets and heavy mini-gun) to devastate the enemy with ease. It is the standard DPS of the Trooper class and the Commando utilizes the heavier guns that are mainly held with two hands. The Commando can also serve as a healer, capable of healing wounded Republic soldiers to keep them up in battle.

Base Class: Republic Trooper. Trained in advanced assault tactics and weaponry, Commandos charge into battle with massive assault cannons, overwhelming their enemies with brute firepower. Preferred weapons: Massive Assault Canon. Roles: Ranged Damage Dealer or Healer. Available Combat Disciplines: Combat Medic, Gunnery and Assault Specialist.

Combat Medic (Healer)

Trained in advanced assault tactics and weaponry, Commandos charge into battle with massive assault cannons, overwhelming their enemies with brute firepower.

Key abilities:

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Advanced Medical Probe
Summons a probe that heals a friendly player.

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Kolto Bomb
Lobs a kolto bomb at the targeted area, healing a group of allies.

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Trauma Probe
Pre-loads trauma probes on a friendly target, providing automatic heals upon being hit.

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Successive Treatment
Channels a heal to a friendly target with a heal-over-time effect.

To learn more, read:

  • In-Depth Combat Medic 6.0 Commando PvE Guide
  • In-Depth Combat Medic 6.0 Commando PvP Guide

Gunnery (Damage)

Secializing in ranged cannon attacks, employing long-range weapons to demolish anyone unlucky enough to be in their sights. Devastating blaster round combinations and relentless assault cannon volleys generate a spectacle of explosive brilliance.

Key abilities:

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Grav Round
Fires a round that creates a gravity vortex on the target, crushing its armor.

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Demolition Round
Fires a demolition round that explodes on contact, dealing massive damage.

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Vortex Bolt
Fires a bolt that deals damage and makes your next Grav Round instant.

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Fires a continious stream of bolts.

Gunnery Full PvE Guide

Best Gunnery Solo Build

Assault Specialist (Damage)

Using the chaos of the battlefield to their advantage is the Assault Specialist’s forte. Loaded to the brim with incendiary ordnance and perforating bolts, their volleys and explosions add to the pandemonium – causing massive damage all the while.

Key abilities:

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Incendiary Round
Launches an incendiary projectile, setting the target ablaze.

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Assault Plastique
Throws a moldable plastic explosive that sticks to the target and detonates after several seconds.

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Serrated Bolt
Fires special serrated bolts at the target, causing the target to bleed.

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Mag Bolt
Fires a very powerful shot at the target.

Assault Specialist Full PvE Guide

Best Assault Specialist Solo Build


The Scoundrel doesn’t have time for polite and doesn’t do fair fight. In addition to a trusty blaster, the Scoundrel packs a stealth belt, a scattergun and a medpac–everything you need to get in, knock the enemy for a loop and get out alive.

All Scoundrels learn how to move stealthily–sneaking past or surprising enemies–and various close-quarters fighting techniques that do damage at short range and prevent an enemy from fleeing. Scoundrels can also opt to learn the skills of the Scrapper, using scatterguns to deal even more damage close-up; the Sawbones, applying medicine and damage prevention techniques to heal and protect allies; and Dirty Fighting, crippling and bleeding opponents using underhanded tactics.

Base Class: Smuggler.In addition to his trusty blaster, the Scoundrel packs a stealth belt, a scattergun and a med pack–everything he needs to get in, knock the enemy for a loop and get out alive. Role: Melee Damage Dealer, Healer. Preferred Style: Stealth, Single Blaster, Scattergun. Available Combat Disciplines: Sawbones, Scrapper, Ruffian.

Sawbones (Healer)

As an Underworld figure armed with the latest advances in medical technology, the Sawbones Scoundrel is a crutial ally. From healing a single target, to many at once, distributing emergency medpaks and clouds of healing kolto, the Sawbones ensures that their crew will endure throughout the heat of battle..

Key abilities:

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Underworld Medicine
Heals a friendly target.

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Kolto Cloud
Heals the target and up to 3 allies.

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Emergency Medpac
Exploits Upper Hand to heal a friendly ally.

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Kolto Waves
Big Area heal with a channel effect.

To learn more, read:

  • In-Depth Sawbones 6.0 Scoundrel PvE Class Guide
  • In-Depth Sawbones 6.0 Scoundrel PvP Class Guide

Scrapper (Damage)

Holding no punches, the Scrapper Scoundrel never backs down from a fight, so long as it’s on their terms. Able to hide from the fray, they can sucker punch their opponent and retreat when the moment is right.

Key abilities:

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Sucker Punch
Exploits Upper Hand to sucker punch the target.

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Shank Shot
Fires a close-up scattergun shot at the target’s shank, immobilizing it for a short time.

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Blood Boiler
Summons a probe that boils the blood of the target, after which an explosion is triggered.

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Bashes the target with the scattergun’s butt, granting Upper Hand buff.

Scrapper Full PvE Guide

Best Scrapper Solo Build

Ruffian (Damage)

Never shy about taking advantage of any opportunity, the Ruffian is rough and tumble Scoundrel, able to handle any fight, big or small. Inciting chaos with a shrapnel bomb and then coming in close for a shot at point-plant range, the Ruffian makes devious moves that keep their enemies reeling.

Key abilities:

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Brutal Shots
Fires a volley of wounding shots, gaining advantage of all currently active bleeding effects on the target.

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Shrap Bomb
Hurls a bomb that explodes on impact, dealing additional bleeding damage.

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Sanguinary Shot
Deals damage and puts a debuff on the target that boosts your other damaging abilities.

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Point Blank Shot
Blasts and enemy at point-blank range. If used while stealthed, it also grants additional buffs.

Ruffian Full PvE Guide

Best Ruffian Solo Build


Master of the trick shot, the first to dive for cover and able to take advantage of every opportunity, the Gunslinger and his dual blasters are the perfect team. There’s a right target for ending every disagreement, and the Gunslinger knows enemy vulnerabilities like the inside of his ship.

All Gunslingers learn how to fire two blasters at once, specializing in long-range combat and methods to keep enemies at a distance. Gunslingers can also opt to learn the skills of the Saboteur, using grenades and demolitions technology that cause fire damage and ignore enemy armor; the Sharpshooter, shooting from cover and focusing on precise, high-damage attacks; and Dirty Fighting, crippling and bleeding opponents using underhanded tactics.

Base Class: Gunslinger.Master of the trick shot and willing to take advantage of every opportunity, the Gunslinger learns how to fire two blasters at once, specializing in long-range combat. Role: Ranged Damage Dealer. Available Combat Disciplines: Sharpshooter, Saboteur, Dirty Fighting.

Sharpshooter (Damage)

Armed with the steely fortitude required to set up the perfect shot, the Sharpshooter is the Gunslinger at its most devious. Aiming from distant cover, the Sharpshooter goes for a devastating opening salvo, following up with vicious trick shots and penetrating rounds, putting a definitive end to the fight they started.

Key abilities:

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Aimed Shot
Fires a well-aimed shot that deals damage with both pistols.

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Penetrating Rounds
Unleashes a number of rounds that deal damage and sunder the target’s armor.

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Fires a wild follow-up shot at the target, dealing damage.

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Burst Volley
Immediately finishes the CoolDown of Penetrating Rounds and increases alacrity.

Sharpshooter Full PvE Guide

Best Sharpshooter Solo Build

Saboteur (Damage)

One of the perks of being a Smuggler is access to all the latest tools of any trade – including the many high-tech charges and grenades in the Saboteur’s arsenal.

Key abilities:

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Explosive Charge
Attaches an explosive charge to the target, that detonates when the target takes damage.

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Shock Charge
Hurls an electric shock device that deals energy damage over time to the target.

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Deals energy damage to a target already affected by Shock Charge.

Saboteur Full PvE Guide

Best Saboteur Solo Build

Dirty Fighting (Damage)

As a Smuggler who finds nothing honorable about losing in a scrap, the Dirty Fighting Gunslinger doesn’t pull punches, Lobbed bombs and cheap shots are just a sampling of their bag of cruel tricks that can cause their target untold continuous suffering while the Gunslinger stands back with a satisfied smile.

Key abilities:

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Shrap Bomb
Hurls a bomb that explodes n impact with razor-sharp shrapnel, dealing periodic damage.

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Wounding Shots
Fires a wave of bolts at the target, dealing damage and improving the bleed effects active on the target.

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Hemorrhaging Blast
Deals damage and causes the target to take additional damage over time.

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Dirty Blast
Shoots a target for weapon damage and internal bleed damage.

Dirty Fighting Full PvE Guide

Best Dirty Fighting Solo Build

Jedi Shadow

A Shadow serves the Jedi Order by being a silent observer and, when action is necessary, a subtle hand. Shadows go unseen, employingForcetechniques that cloud enemy minds to slip into hostile territory and, when necessary, striking enemies down with deadly efficiency. Shadows embrace the synergy between lightsaber and Force combat.

All Jedi Shadows use the Force to conceal themselves and move invisibly behind enemy lines, as well as learn to use double-bladed lightsabers in either an offensive or defensive capacity. Shadows can also opt to learn Infiltration, becoming masters of stealth and ambush who forgo the head-on attack for the vulnerable flank; Kinetic Combat, utilizing a double-bladed lightsaber as either an acrobatic weapon or a bulwark of defense; and Balance, deploying the power of the Force to enhance lightsaber techniques and debilitate foes in combat.

Base Class: Jedi Consular. Wielding double-bladed Lightsabers, Shadows embrace the synergy between melee and Force combat, enabling them to strike down enemies of the Order with deadly efficiency. Preferred style: Stealth, Double-Bladed Saber. Role: Melee Damage Dealer, Tank. Available Combat Disciplines: Kinetic Combat, Infiltration, Serenity.

Kinetic Combat (Tank)

A powerful connection to the Force allows the Kinetic Combat Shadow to draw attention while also warding off the enemies’ attacks. They can serve as an effective bulwark against any foe.

Key abilities:

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Cascading Debris
Channels the target, dealing damage while channeling the attack and slows their movement.

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Kinetic Ward
Erects ad kinetic ward that increases your shield for a limited time.

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Slow Time
Slows multiple targets, dealing damage and weakening them. Doesn’t damage CC’d targets.

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Force Pull
Uses the Force to draw the target in, instantly pulling it to your location and generating high amount if threat.

Kinetic Combat Full PvE Guide

Kinetic Combat Full PvP Guide

Infiltration (Damage)

Planning a coordinated attack from a position of stealth and striking at the most opportune of times, the Infiltration Shadow is a master of surprise. Strikes their targets and kills them before they even see them coming.

Key abilities:

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Vaulting Slash
Lash the target with an acrobatic strike, dealing damage from stealth.

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Clairvoyant Strike
Strikes the target twice, providing you with additional buffs for your other damaging abilities.

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Low Slash
Slashes the target low, dealing damage and incapacitating it for a few seconds.

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Psychokinetic Blast
Blasts the target with the power of the Force.

Infiltration Full PvE Guide

Best Infiltration Solo Build

Serenity (Damage)

The Serenity Shadow is ever mindful that the Force ebbs and flows, and uses this knowledge to great advantage. Able to wield the Force against multiple targets while wresting vitality from the enemy, the Serenity Shadow can even stand up to opponents in close combat.

Key abilities:

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Force Balance
Deals internal damage and redistributes life from affected targets to heal you.

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Squelches the target, dealing instant damage and additional damage over time.

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Sever Force
Weakens the target, freezing it in place for short time and dealing internal damage over time.

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Serenity Strike
Redistributes life from an enemy, dealing damage to the target and healing you.

Serenity Full PvE Guide

Best Serenity Solo Build

Jedi Sage

The mysteries of the Force are endless. A Jedi Sage, devoted to uncovering its esoteric secrets, knows this better than anyone. Sages are famed for their wisdom and empathy as much as for their powerful healing and defensive skills. In troubled times, a Sage brings together the insight of the past with raw power to change the flow of galactic events.

All Jedi Sages embrace the teachings of the Force and can opt to learn the art of the Seer, healing wounded allies and protecting them from harm–restoring their life force and literally pulling them out of danger; Telekinetics, distorting reality and moving massive waves of energy that tear apart a Sage’s enemies; and Balance, deploying the power of the Force to enhance lightsaber techniques and debilitate foes in combat.

Base Class: Jedi Consular. Sages are famed for their wisdom much as for their powerful healing and defensive skills. In troubled times, a Sage brings together the insight of the past with raw power to change the flow of galactic events. Preferred style: Single Lightsaber, Telekinetics. Role: Ranged Damage Dealer, Healer. Available Combat Disciplines: Seer, Telekinetics, Balance.

Seer (Healer)

The Seer Sage is the rejuvenation master of Consulars, assisting with an array of Force healing powers that grant allies the strength to continue through even the harshest of encounters.

Key abilities:

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Heals a friendly target.

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Healing Trance
Heals a friendly target over a channeled period of time.

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Applies a periodic healing offects to up to 8 allies within the affected area.

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Wandering Mend
Places a mending Force on a friendly target and moves to another ally after that.

Seer Full PvE Guide

Telekinetics (Damage)

At one with the environment, the Telekinetic Sage manipulates the essense of the surrounding elements with the powr of the Force to mount powerful distance attacks.

Key abilities:

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Telekinetic Wave
Sends a wave of telekinetic energy that deals damage to multiple enemies within the targeted area.

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Deals internal damage to a single target.

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Blasts the target with a quick gust of Force power and deals damage.

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Telekinetic Burst
Summons a burst of telekinetic powr that deals damage and slows the target for a few seconds.

Telekinetics Full PvE Guide

Best Telekinetics Solo Build

Balance (Damage)

There is serenity in balance, and no one knows this better than the Balance Sage. Able to assail multiple targets at once while at the same time absorbing their vitality, the Balance Sage is a formidable presence in a long-range engagements.

Key abilities:

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Force in Balance
Deals internal damage and redistributes life from affected targets to heal you.

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Sever Force
Weakens the target, freezing it in a place for a bit and causing damage over time.

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Force Serenity
Redistributes life from an enemy, while dealing internal damage to heal you.

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Vanquishes the target with mighty force, dealing instant damage and damage over time.

Balance Full PvE Guide

Best Balance Solo Build

Jedi Sentinel

Control and focus are the hallmarks of the Jedi Sentinel. Through years of training, Sentinels learn the art of using two lightsabers in tandem to create an intricate web of damage almost impossible to evade. By manipulating the Force, Sentinels can see holes in the enemy’s defense, potential flaws in their own techniques and how best to plan for both.

All Jedi Sentinels can wield two lightsabers in combat, using speed and precision to strike enemies where they are weakest. Sentinels can opt to learn the ways of a Watchman, becoming a peerless lightsaber combatant and using the Juyo form to debilitate foes; Combat, taking advantage of the Sentinel’s lighter armor and using the agile Ataru form to perform incredibly swift strikes; and Focus, specializing in advanced Force techniques to increase the potency of lightsaber attacks and perform telekinetic feats to hamper opponents.

Base Class: Jedi Knight. Control and focus are the hallmarks of the Sentinel. Through years of training the Sentinel learns the art of using two Lightsabers simultaneously to create an intricate web of damage that is almost impossible to evade. Preferred style: Dual Lightsabers. Role: Melee Damage Dealer. Available Combat Disciplines: Watchman, Combat, Concentration.

Watchman (Damage)

Some try to take down their opponent with a single blow, but the Watchman Sentinel chooses to utilize calculated strikes that continue to dismantle their foe over time.

Key abilities:

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Force Melt
Calls on the power of the Force to build focus and melt the target, causing it to burn.

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Strikes the target for direct damage and causes it to burn for elemental damage over time.

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Merciless Slash
Strikes the target with both lightsabers for massive damage.

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Overload Saber
Charges your lightsabers with deadly energy and boosting your next melee attacks.

Watchman Full PvE Guide

Best Watchman Solo Build

Combat (Damage)

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Spears the target with both lightsabers, dealing massive weapon damage.

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Blade Rush
Strikes the target with both weapons and triggers an additional bonus Ataru Form strike.

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Increases armor penetration for a short period of time.

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Clashing Blast
Unleashes a powerful blast of Force energy at the target, dealing energy damage.

A lively flurry of dual lightsabers and Force abilities, the Combat Sentinel is a Knight who specializes in unrelenting volume. Rushing into battle with skilled precision, the barrage of overwhelming strikes increase the Combat Sentinel’s vigor until their enemy is little more than a memory.

Key abilities:

Combat Full PvE Guide

Best Combat Solo Build

Concentration (Damage)

Absolute awareness in the moment brings the Force to bear – a fact the Concentration Sentinel knows well. However many opponents they may face, the Sentinel leaps into battle with focused bursts of power while maintaining balanced stance that offers protection against the enemy’s attempts at exhausting them.

Key abilities:

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Focused Burst
Blasts the enemy target with a powerful burst of Force energy.

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Zealous Leap
Leaps to a target, dealing damage and immobilizing it for a moment.

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Force Exhaustion
Progressively slows the target’s movement and deals damage over time.

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Concentrated Slice
Slices the target for a massive weapon damage.

Concentration Full PvE Guide

Best Concentration Solo Build

Jedi Guardian

A wall between the Republic and its enemies, the Jedi Guardian stands firm in the face of overwhelming odds and dares opponents to attack. Perfect concentration and use of the Force allows smooth movement even in heavy armor–making the Guardian a hard target to take down. Leaders on and off the battlefield, Guardians also inspire allies to amazing feats, making them invaluable for conflicts of any size.

All Jedi Guardians learn to move in heavy armor and build extra energy to perform spectacular feats. Guardians can opt to learn Vigilance, developing attacks that power through weaker opponents with ease and concentrating on fewer strikes that hit harder; Defense, redirecting enemies’ attacks against the Guardian’s allies toward the Guardian’s sturdy self; and Focus, specializing in advanced Force techniques to increase the potency of lightsaber attacks and perform telekinetic feats to hamper opponents.

Base Class: Jedi Knight. A wall between the good people of the Republic and their enemies, the Guardian stands firm in the face of overwhelming odds and dares opponents to attack. Preferred style: Single Lightsaber. Role: Melee Damage Dealer, Tank. Available Combat Disciplines: Defense, Vigilance, Focus.

Defense (Tank)

The great protector among Jedi Knights, the Defense Guardian is able to withstand even the most brutal assaults, and can give as good as they take.

Key abilities:

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Warding Strike
Increases damage reduction for a period of time and deals series of shots to the target.

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Guardian Slash
Slashes the target, dealing damage and providing you with a range of buffs to your abilities.

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Hilt Bash
Smacks the target, stunning it for a short time.

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Warding Call
Reduces all damage taken by a huge percent for a period of time.

Defense Full PvE Guide

Defense Full PvP Guide

Vigilance (Damage)

Operating through a disciplined state of enlightened focus, the Vigilance Guardian defends by providing torrential offense. They enter the fray nimble and alert, unleashing a whirldind of lightsaber and Force attacks.

Key abilities:

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Plasma Brand
Engulfs your lightsaber in fiery plasma, instantly dealing damage and causing a burn effect.

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Overhead Slash
Executes an acrobatic attack that deals weapon damage.

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Whirling Blade
Hurls the main-hand weapon at a target, dealing damage and slowing its movement.

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Vigilant Thrust
Thrusts your weapon into the ground, causing a Force-empowered shockwave (AoE damage).

Vigilance Full PvE Guide

Focus (Damage)

The ways of the Force can reveal themselves to a Jedi Knight through intense concentration and, most importantly, focus. The Focus Guardian uses debilitating bursts of lightsaber strikes and Force powers to exhaust their foes.

Key abilities:

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Focused Burst
Blasts the target with a powerful burst of Force energy

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Zealous Leap
Leaps to a target, dealing damage and immobilizing it for a moment.

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Force Exhaustion
Progressively slows the target’s movement and deals damage over time.

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Concentrated Slice
Slices the target for a massive weapon damage.

Focus Full PvE Guide

Best Focus Solo Build

Empire Classes Overview

Here you will find brief and easy to understand description of all Empire Advanced Classes and their respective Disciplines. For some of the the Disciplines I have written detailed guides. They will be linked below too.


A Powertech wears heavy armor like a second skin and never balks at field-testing new technology if it means greater protection and upgraded safeguards. The best in shielding, defensive tactics and high-powered flamethrowers combine to make the Powertech an impenetrable one-man blockade, getting up close and personal to enemies.

All Powertechs learn to use personal shield generators and can opt to acquire the skills of a Pyrotech, using flamethrower attacks and other abilities that do damage at short range and prevent an enemy from fleeing; apply Shield Tech, using a variety of devices to survive any attack and draw enemy fire; and access Advanced Prototypes including fiery missiles and darts to reduce an enemy’s survivability and regenerative capacity.

Base Class: Bounty Hunter. The best in shielding, defensive tactics and high-powered flamethrowers combine to make the Powertech an impenetrable one-man blockade, getting up close and personal to take down enemies of all sizes. Preferred style: Flamethrower, Single Pistol. Role: Melee Damage Dealer, Tank. Available Combat Disciplines: Shield Tech, Pyrotech, Advanced Prototype.

Shield Tech (Tank)

Launching into the fray with a jetpack-propelled attack and able to withstand powerful offenses, the Powertech trained in the Shield Tech specification takes the brunt of the assault while employing a wide range of tech-based attacks.

Key abilities:

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Oil Slick
Sprays an oil slick over the immediate area, unbalancing any enemy that steps into it.

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Heat Blast
Fires a shot that deals elemental damage and increases Shield Absorption.

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Swap places with a group member and bestow a benign presence upon them, protecting them.

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Deals elemental damage to everything in a cone in front of you. Affected targets also get a damage-reducing debuff.

To learn more, read the In-Depth Shield Tech 6.0 Powertech Tank PvE Class Guide

Pyrotech (Damage)

Need a light? The Pyrotech-style Powertech adds fuel to any firefight with an abundance of vivid, searing flame attacks. Powertech’s arsenal allows them to never back down while making sure their enemy burns out in a blaze of destruction.

Key abilities:

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Flaming Fist
Engages the jetpack and ignites your gauntlet, allowing you to strike the target with a flaming fist.

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Incendiary Missile
Fires a missle that explodes on contact, igniting the target for instant damage and damage over time.

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Sprays the target with fuel and ignites it into a fireball.

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Ignites the target with a blast of fire, causing them to burn and moves to next target if the first one dies.

Pyrotech Full PvE Guide

Best Pyrotech Solo Build

Advanced Prototype (Damage)

When stalking dangerous prey, a selection of powerful, high-tech armaments can be a hunter’s best friend. The AP Powertech’s thermal detonators, gauntlet blades and magnetized bracers devastate their intended target very efficiently.

Key abilities:

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Retractable Blade
Plunges a retractable blade into the target and causes it to take internal damage over time.

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Magnetic Blast
Fires a blast of electromagnetized energy at the target.

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Thermal Detonator
Hurls a thermal detonator that adheres to the target and detonates after several seconds.

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Energy Burst
Unleashes your stored energy to decimate the target.

Advanced Prototype Full PvE Guide

Best Advanced Prototype Solo Build


If the best defense is a good offense, the Mercenary’s got the most intimidating defense in the galaxy; heavily modified blasters and deadly heat-seeking missiles make the Mercenary a mobile heavy weapons platform. There’s no problem extra firepower can’t solve, and no one with sense gets between a Mercenary and his or her target.

All Mercenaries learn how to fire two blasters at once, and can opt to learn the skills of a Bodyguard, using state-of-the-art medical technologies to heal and protect allies; acquire an Arsenal of advanced rockets to rapidly deal damage; and access Advanced Prototypes including fiery missiles and darts to reduce an enemy’s survivability and regenerative capacity.

Base Class: Bounty Hunter. If the best defense is a good offense, the Mercenary’s got the most intimidating defense in the galaxy. Heavily-modded blasters and deadly heatseeking missiles make the Mercenary a mobile heavy weapons platform. There’s no problem extra firepower can’t solve, and no one who knows what he’s doing gets between a Mercenary and his target. Preferred style: Dual Pistols, Rockets. Available Combat Disciplines: Bodyguard, Arsenal, Innnovative Ordnance.

Bodyguard (Healer)

The Bodyguard Mercenary specializes in personal-security services, positioning themselves as the best protection credits can buy. A veried array of kolto dispersem*nt instruments provide them with protective shells and time-release infusions, offering save haven in the most hostile situations.

Key abilities:

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Healing Scan
Heals a friendly target.

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Kolto Missile
Heals multiple allies within the targeted area.

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Kolto Shell
Doploys a Kolto Shell that heals the target when it takes damage.

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Progressive Scan
Heals an ally over a short channeled duration and multiple allies with the final shot of the channel.

To learn more, read the In-Depth Bodyguard 6.0 Mercenary PvE Class Guide

Arsenal (Damage)

The Arsenal Mercenary specializes in distance attacks, employing long-range weapons to demolish anyone unlucky enough to be in their sights. Devastating missile-fire combinations and relentless blaster volleys generate a spectacle of explosive brilliance, transforming the Bounty Hunter into an artillery platform.

Key abilities:

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Tracer Missile
Launches a missile at the target, that damages them and lowers their armor.

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Heatseeker Missiles
Fires several missiles that deal massive damage.

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Priming Shot
Fires a priming shot that deals weapon damage and allows an instant use of the next Tracer Missile.

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Blazing Bolts
Fires a continuous blaze of blaster bolts at the target, while stunning weaker enemies.

Arsenal Full PvE Guide

Best Arsenal Solo Build

Innovative Ordnance (Damage)

Taking advantage of chaos they’ve created is what the IO Mercenary is all about. With an arsenal of explosive and piercing munitions, the IO Merc’s barrages of missiles, grenades and weapon blasts cause lasting, destructive damage to all their enemies.

Key abilities:

SWTOR Classes: Beginners guide to all Roles and Disciplines (129)

Incendiary Missile
Fires a missile that explodes on contact, igniting the target for elemental damage and damage over time.

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Thermal Detonator
Hurls a thermal detonator that adheres to the target and detonates after a few seconds.

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Serrated Shot
Fires special serrated bolts at the target that deal direct damage and cause a bleed effect.

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Mag Shot
Fires a very powerful shot at the target that deals massive weapon damage.

Innovative Ordnance Full PvE Guide

Best Innovative Ordnance Solo Build


Operatives adapt to any environment and any circ*mstance to ensure the Empire’s agenda is achieved. Whether emerging from stealth to ambush and eliminate enemies in close-range combat or using advanced medical technologies to keep colleagues in the fight, the Operative is able to identify the needs of any situation and react accordingly.

All Operatives learn how to move stealthily–sneaking past or surprising enemies–and various close-quarters fighting techniques that do damage at short range and prevent an enemy from fleeing. Operatives can also opt to learn the skills of Concealment, using an energy blade to deal even more damage close-up; gain Medic training, using probes that heal and protect allies in battle; and specialize in Lethality, utilizing deadly toxins to poison their enemies.

Base Class: Imperial Agent. Whether ambushing enemies from stealth or using advanced medical technology to keep colleagues in the fight, the operative will do whatever it takes to advance the agenda of the Empire. Preferred style: Stealth, Vyproknives, Darts, Assault Rifle. Available Combat Disciplines: Medicine, Concealment, Lethality.

Medicine (Healer)

As an accomplished practitioner of the medical arts, the Medicine Operative serves as the preservative backbone of any combat team. Deploying a full complement of sophisticated gadgets to dispense healing kolto and reparative nanotech clouds to one of more targets, the Medicine Operative ensures their allies remain fit for fighting.

Key abilities:

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Kolto Injection
Heals a friendly target.

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Recuperative Nanotech
Heals the target and up to 3 allies within a certain radius.

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Surgical Probe
Summons a Probe that instantly heals a target.

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Kolto Waves
Heals up to 8 allies that remain in a designated area of effect.

To learn more, read:

  • In-Depth Medicine 6.0 Operative PvE Class Guide
  • In-Depth Medicine 6.0 Operative PvP Class Guide

Concealment (Damage)

Striking from the shadows, the Concealment Operative surprises the enemy with a flurry of calculated attacks designed to stun and debilitate. Then, before the fight gets out of hand, the Operative can return to a position of stealth, biding their time until the time to strike reveals itself again.

Key abilities:

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Lacerates the target, dealing kinetic damage.

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Crippling Slice
Slices the target low, dealing damage and immobilizing it for a short time.

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Volatile Substance
Injects a substance into the target that causes it to take damage after a while.

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Veiled Strike
Strikes the target for kinetic damage.

Concealment Full PvE Guide

Best Concealment Solo Build

Lethality (Damage)

The Lethality Operative firmly believes the one true gift that keeps on giving is poison. Dispensing potent toxins using a variety of methods, the Lethality Operative’s attacks take a toll over time, corroding the enemy from within until all that’s left is a whithered husk.

Key abilities:

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Corrosive Assault
Fires a volley of corrosive shots, that deal weapon damage and triggers all active DoTs.

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Corrosive Grenade
Hurls a grenade that spews poisonous acid within a certain radius, dealing internal poison damage.

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Toxic Blast
Deals direct damage an causes the target to take additional damage in the next few seconds.

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Lethal Strike
Ambushes an enemy to deal kinetic and internal damage, creates and advantage if used from stealth.

Lethality Full PvE Guide

Best Lethality Solo Build


Focused on long-range tactics and eliminating sensitive targets, Snipers are the most elite and professional marksmen in the galaxy. After extensive training, the Sniper learns to target enemies’ vulnerabilities and strike at the perfect moment to turn the tide of battle.

All Snipers learn how to use deadly sniper rifles and specialize in long-range combat, keeping their enemies at a distance. Snipers can also opt to learn the skills of Engineering, using probes and other gadgets to deal additional damage; Marksmanship, shooting from cover and focusing on precise, high-damage attacks; and Lethality, utilizing deadly toxins to poison their enemies.

Base Class: Imperial Agent.Focused on covert tactics and eliminating sensitive targets, Imperial Snipers are the most elite and professional sharpshooters in the galaxy. After extensive training, the Sniper’s long range blaster rifle becomes a weapon of exacting precision, allowing him to target enemies’ vulnerabilities and strike at the perfect moment to turn the tide of battle. Preferred style: Damage from distance, Sniper Rifles. Roles: Ranged Damage Dealer. Available Combat Disciplines:Marksmanship, Engineering, and Virulence.

Marksmanship (Damage)

One perfect shot has the potential to change everything, and no one is more precise than the Marksmanship Sniper. From the safety of cover, they ambush the enemy and follow up with an encore of penetrating blasts that make extra sure the job is done.

Key Abilities:

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Fires a high-powered shot that deals weapon damage.

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Penetrating Shot
Fires a number of blasts that deal weapon damage and sunder the target for 45s.

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Fires a well-controlled follow-up shot at the target that deals weapon damage Useable only after certain other abilities.

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Sniper Volley
Immediately finishes the cooldown of Penetrating Blasts, increases energy regeneration and alacrity.

Marksmanship Full PvE Guide

Best Marksmanship Solo Build

Engineering (Damage)

Technology – and its application in deploying advanced weaponry – sets the Engineering Sniper apart from the rest. A veriety of probes at their disposal allows them to attack from distance with exposions, electrical jollts and waves of plasma.

Key Abilities:

SWTOR Classes: Beginners guide to all Roles and Disciplines (151)

Explosive Probe
Puts an explosive probe on the target that detonates when the target takes damage.

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Interrogation Probe
Summons an interrogation probe that clings to the target, dealing damage over time.

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Plasma Probe
A probe that attacks the targeted area, dealing damage over time and slowing themenemies.

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EMP Discharge
Deals energy damage to the enemy affected by the Interrogation Probe and stuns the enemy.

Engineering Full PvE Guide

Best Engineering Solo Build

Virulence (Damage)

Some Agents prefer a less direct method of eliminating a target, such as an administering poison. Lethal toxins and all-consuming microbes are the domain of the walking biohazard, known as the Virulence Sniper.

Key Abilities:

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Corrosive Grenade
Hurls a grenade that spews poisonous acid in a radius on impact, dealing damage over time.

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Fires a volley of bolts at the target, dealing weapon damage. Cull procs all other Poison DoTs.

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Weakening Blast
Deals weapon damage and causes the target to take additional damage over time if poisoned.

SWTOR Classes: Beginners guide to all Roles and Disciplines (158)

Lethal Shot
Shoots a target for weapon damage and intentional poison damage.

Virulence Full PvE Guide

Best Virulence Solo Build

Sith Assassin

SWTOR Classes: Beginners guide to all Roles and Disciplines (159)

The subtle and deadly hand of the Sith Order, a Sith Assassin stops at nothing to win. Assassins leap from the shadows, channeling Force lightning through their dual-bladed lightsabers to disable and drain their enemies. They are masters of subterfuge, treacherous and unseen, feared by even the most terrible opponents.

All Sith Assassins use the Force to conceal themselves and move invisibly, as well as learn to use double-bladed lightsabers. In addition, Assassins can opt to study the arts of Deception, obscuring their movements and ambushing their enemies; Darkness, bolstering Assassins’ defenses as they shock opponents in melee; and Madness, afflicting targets with nightmares that cripple their combat prowess and drain them of strength.

Base Class: Sith Inquisitor. Assassins leap from the shadows, channeling Force lightning through their double-bladed Lightsabers to disable and drain their enemies. They are masters of subterfuge, feared by even the most terrible opponents. Preferred style: Stealth, Double-Bladed Saber. Roles: Melee Damage Dealer, Tank. Available Combat Disciplines: Darkness, Deception, Hatred.

Darkness (Tank)

In darkness, there is protection. A Darkness Assassin acts in defense of their allies, using the dark side of the Force to ward off attacks and launch powerful channels of Force lightning while standing their ground against even the most formidable enemies.

Key abilities:

SWTOR Classes: Beginners guide to all Roles and Disciplines (160)

Depredating Volts
Deals energy damage to the target and slows their movement, stuns weaker enemies.

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Dark Ward
Surrounds you in a dark ward that increases your shield chance for a period of time.

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Causes multiple targets to take damage and slows their movement, while causing them to deal less damage.

SWTOR Classes: Beginners guide to all Roles and Disciplines (163)

Force Pull
Uses the Force to draw the target in, instantly pulling it to your location and generating threat.

Darkness Full PvE Guide

Darkness Full PvP Guide

Deception (Damage)

From the murky depths of the dark side, the Deception Assassin emerges with a calculated plan. As the Assassin presses the attack, Force lightning accumulates within their double-bladed lightsaber and culminates in a massive discharge that can ravage the Assassin’s opponent before they even know what hit them.

Key abilities:

SWTOR Classes: Beginners guide to all Roles and Disciplines (164)

Reaping Strike
Lashes the target witn an acrobatic strike, dealing weapon damage.

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Voltaic Slash
Strikes the target twice, dealing weapon damage while providing additional buffs to your next attacks.

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Low Slash
Slashes the target low, dealing damage and incapacitating it for a few seconds.

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Ball Lightning
Blasts the target with a ball of lightning for energy damage, stuns weaker enemies.

Deception Full PvE Guide

Best Deception Solo Build

Hatred (Damage)

Hate fuels the dark side of the Force, and no one knows this better than the Hatred Assassin. Able to command dark Force powers that assault many targets at once or sap an enemy’s very essence from a distance, the Hatred Assassin can also stand face-to-face against any foe.

Key abilities:

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Death Field
Creates a death field at the target location, dealing damage and stealing life from affected targets.

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Crushes the target with devastating force, dealing instant damage plus damage over time.

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Creeping Terror
Paralyzes the target in fear, dealing damage over a long period of time and immobilizing it for a moment.

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Leeching Strike
Saps the life away from an enemy, deals damage to them and heals you.

Hatred Full PvE Guide

Best Hatred Solo Build

Sith Sorcerer

Thedark sideholds dangerous secrets and immense power. The Sith Sorcerer draws energy from theForce’s forbidden depths, mastering techniques that sap and drain enemies as they invigorate allies–or simply wreak utter devastation. The air around a Sorcerer crackles with lightning, and all foolish enough oppose a Sorcerer know suffering on a vast scale.

All Sith Sorcerers embrace the power of the Force and can opt to learn the arts of Lightning, unleashing powerful storms and crushing opponents; Corruption, binding a Sorcerer’s life force and strengthening allies through rituals that mitigate blows and knit flesh; and Madness, afflicting targets with nightmares that cripple their combat prowess and drain them of strength.

Base Class: Sith Inquisitor. The Sith Sorcerer draws energy from the forbidden depths of the Force, mastering techniques that sap and drain enemies as they invigorate allies–or simply wreak utter devastation. Preferred style: Single Lightsaber, Force Lightning. Roles: Ranged Damage Dealer, Healer. Available Combat Disciplines: Corruption, Lightning, Madness.

Corruption (Healer)

The dark side of the Force provides many benefits, including the ability to ward off death itself. By conjuring a series of arcane Force abilities from out of harm’s way, the Corruption Sorcerer can sustain injured allies, allowing them to fight on with the power of the dark side’s twisted gift.

Key abilities:

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Dark Infusion
Heals a friendly target.

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Channel-heals an ally.

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Applies a periodic healing effect to multiple targets.

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Roaming Mend
Places a mending Force on an ally. After healing the target, the mend travels to another ally to heal them.

Corruption Full PvE Guide

Lightning (Damage)

Of all the dark arts of the Sith, little can match the spectacle and devastation of Force lightning. Summoning intense discharges of pure Force energy, the Lightning Sorcerer overwhelms enemies with punishing damage from a distance, leaving them shaken and vulnerable–if not dead.

Key abilities:

SWTOR Classes: Beginners guide to all Roles and Disciplines (177)

Chain Lightning
Delivers an arc of lightning that deals damage to multiple targets inside the designated area.

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Thundering Blast
Sends a thundering blastwave at a single target.

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Lightning Flash
Blasts the target with a quick flash of lightning, providing you with boosts for your next abilities.

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Lightning Bolt
Hurls a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing energy damage and slowing its movement.

Lightning Full PvE Guide

Best Lightning Solo Build

Madness (Damage)

Delving ever deeper into the dark side of the Force can lead to madness, but it can also lead to immense power. Attacking multiple enemies simultaneously and instilling terror in their hearts, all while sapping their very life essence from afar, the Madness Sorcerer is a dark threat unlike any other.

Key abilities:

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Death Field
Creates a death field at the target location, dealing damage and stealing life from the enemies to heal you.

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Creeping Terror
Paralyzes the target in fear, dealing internal damage over time and immobilizing them for a moment.

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Force Leech
Steals life from an enemy, dealing damage to the target and healing you.

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Crushes the target with devastating force, dealing instance damage plus damage over time.

Madness Full PvE Guide

Best Madness Solo Build

Sith Marauder

Wielding two lightsabers and unmatched aggression, Sith trained as Marauders slice through enemy ranks dealing death with merciless efficiency. Whether annihilating a squad of Republic troops or cutting down a single Jedi, the Marauder sees and exploits every weakness to exact the greatest toll. Never hesitating, never faltering, there is no swifter bringer of pain in the galaxy.

All Sith Marauders can wield two lightsabers in combat, crushing their foes with superior speed and becoming a terror on the battlefield. Marauders can opt to learn the ways of Annihilation, learning the Juyo lightsaber techniques and inflicting traumas upon their enemies; Carnage, specializing in swift movement and acrobatics to obliterate foes before they can react; and Rage, subduing cowering foes with lightsaber strikes and crushing them with the Force.

Base Class: Sith Warrior. Entrusted with the task of destroying the Empire’s enemies, the dual-wielding Marauder embodies the teachings of Naga Sadow. Never hesitating, never faltering, there is no swifter bringer of pain in the galaxy. Preferred style: Dual Lightsabers. Role: Melee Damage Dealer. Available Combat Disciplines: Annihilatioon, Carnage, Fury.

Annihilation (Damage)

Annihilation doesn’t have to be instantaneous–and that’s how the Annihilation Marauder likes it. With lightsaber and Force attacks designed to bleed their foe and increasing their potency with an aggressive combat form, the Annihilation Marauder causes deep, rupturing wounds that add up until it’s too late.

Key abilities:

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Force Rend
Summons dark Force power to build rage and rend the target, causing it to bleed.

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Stabs the target for weapon damage and causes it to bleed.

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Strikes the target with both lightsabers for massive damage.

SWTOR Classes: Beginners guide to all Roles and Disciplines (189)

Deadly Saber
Charges your lightsaber with deadly energy, causing your next melee attacks to make the target bleed.

Annihilation Full PvE Guide

Best Annihilation Solo Build

Carnage (Damage)

Agile and swift, the Carnage Marauder wins the day by way of sheer volume. As a devastating flurry of dual lightsaber strikes and Force attacks overwhelm their foe, each successful blow can serve to embolden the Carnage Marauder in their assault, making them all the more deadly.

Key abilities:

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Impales the target with both lightsabers, dealing damage and hindering the target.

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Strikes the target with both weapons and automatically triggers an additional Ataru Form strike.

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Increases armor penetration for a short time.

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Devastating Blast
Unleashes a powerful blast of Force at the target, stuns weaker enemies.

Carnage Full PvE Guide

Best Carnage Solo Build

Fury (Damage)

The dark side can be a powerful ally when one channels their inner fury, and no one knows this better than the Fury Marauder. Faced with one opponent or many, the Fury Marauder strikes with raging bursts of power while maintaining a balanced stance that offers protection against the enemy’s attempts at obliteration.

Key abilities:

SWTOR Classes: Beginners guide to all Roles and Disciplines (194)

Raging Burst
Blasts the enemy target with a powerful burst of Force energy.

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Jumps to a target, dealing damage and immobilizing it for a moment.

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Force Crush
Progressively slows the target’s movement and deals damage over time for that duration.

SWTOR Classes: Beginners guide to all Roles and Disciplines (197)

Furious Strike
Strikes the target for a massive damage.

Fury Full PvE Guide

Best Fury Solo Build

Sith Juggernaut

Sith who train in the stalwart arts of the Juggernaut boast unrivaled stamina in battle. Through diligence and clarity, Juggernauts shape the Force to their will to shrug off damage that would destroy others and fill foes with doubt and despair. Protecting their allies and punishing their adversaries, Juggernauts charge into the thick of any fray.

All Sith Juggernauts learn to move in heavy armor and build extra energy to perform spectacular feats. Juggernauts can opt to learn the ways of Vengeance, making them into crushing forces that pursue their prey with single-minded fury; the art of the Immortal, fearing no enemy and keeping lesser allies from harm; and Rage, subduing cowering foes with lightsaber strikes and crushing them with the Force.

Base Class: Sith Warrior. A stalwart defender of the Sith Empire, the Juggernaut embodies the teachings of Marka Ragnos, charging into enemies with heavy armor and pure rage. Preferred style: Single Lightsaber. Roles: Melee Damage Dealer, Tank. Available Combat Disciplines: Immortal, Vengeance, Rage.

Immortal (Tank)

As the toughest of the Warriors, the Immortal Juggernaut can withstand even the most brutal assaults. Using the Force to turn nearly invincible for short bursts of time and to deliver crushing blows to the enemy, this Juggernaut is capable of taking a beating and giving one, too.

Key abilities:

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Aegis Assault
Increases damage reduction, generates rage and deals damage to the target with a series of melee attacks.

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Crushing Blow
Deals weapon damage, enables Retaliation and provides a series of boosts for your next attacks.

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Bashes the target, stunning it for a few seconds and generating high threat.

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Reduces all damage taken for a big amount for several seconds.

Immortal Full PvE Guide

Immortal Full PvP Guide

Vengeance (Damage)

When embracing the dark side of the Force, vengeance can be a powerful ally. With sustained and ruthless lightsaber thrusts delivered in the lithe Shien Form, the Vengeance Juggernaut increases damage without sacrificing defense–an ideal combination of tenacity and viciousness.

Key abilities:

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Channels the Force into your lightsaber and deals instant damage plus damage over time to your target.

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Impales the target for weapon damage.

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Hurls the main-hand lightsaber at a target, dealing weapon damage and slowing its movement.

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Vengeful Slam
Slams your weapon on the ground, causing a shockwave that damages multiple enemies.

Vengeance Full PvE Guide

Best Vengeance Solo Build

Rage (Damage)

Fuelled by extreme rage, a Sith Warrior can reach new heights of destructive power. Furiously striking at one or more foes with bursts of hate and anger, the Rage Juggernaut forges ahead, the dark side of the Force providing ever more opportunities to crush and obliterate the enemy.

Key abilities:

SWTOR Classes: Beginners guide to all Roles and Disciplines (207)

Raging Burst
Blasts the enemy target with a powerful burst of Force energy.

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Jumps to a target, dealing damage and immobilizing it for a moment.

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Force Crush
Progressively slows the target’s movement and deals damage over time for that duration.

SWTOR Classes: Beginners guide to all Roles and Disciplines (210)

Furious Strike
Strikes the target for a massive damage.

Rage Full PvE Guide

Best Rage Solo Build

SWTOR Game Setting and Plot

Learn a bit of the SWTOR history with the next segment of this guide. If you are a lore junkie (like me), and want to know exactly when each SWTOR story happens in the Star Wars Timeline, check this guide over here!

Game’s History Background

Protected by the legendary Jedi Order, the Galactic Republic stood as a bastion of peace in the galaxy for a thousand generations. Several centuries ago, the greatest threat the galaxy has ever known emerged in the form of the dark Sith Empire. After a volatile war, the Republic emerged victorious and the Sith were assumed to be extinct. Nonetheless, the Jedi have maintained a constant vigil over the ancient Sith homeworld, Korriban, to protect the galaxy from the darkness that still resides in the planet’s tombs.

Though a small group of survivors escaped to warn of the Imperial invasion, it was only a minor reprieve for the Republic. Korriban was one of several worlds to fall in the initial onslaught, and in the years that followed, the Republic suffered many more painful defeats. Emboldened by their numerous victories, the Empire soon moved to conquer the Core Worlds, luring the Republic fleet out of position and launching a surprise attack against the noble world of Alderaan.

The courageous stand on Alderaan rallied the spirits of Republic defenders across the galaxy, but the balance of the power remained in the Empire’s favor. This only fueled the surprise felt when the Imperial Dark Council extended the offer to the Republic to engage in peace negotiations. Suspecting possible treachery, Republic officials agreed to meet on Alderaan, but insisted that the Jedi Order marshal all its resources to provide comprehensive security. The Jedi complied, sending most senior members of the Order to Alderaan, and leaving only a token force in the Temple on Coruscant.

After destroying the Jedi Temple and overwhelming the Republic’s defenses, Imperial forces occupied Coruscant, holding the planet hostage while negotiations restarted on Alderaan. With their capital at stake, Republic officials had little choice but to agree to the Empire’s terms.

The Treaty of Coruscant was signed, forcing the Republic to cede control of several star systems and to acknowledge new boundaries of Imperial dominion. Though the treaty brought about an official end to the war, tensions between the two sides have remained high over the last several years, and now, a return to open war seems all but inevitable.

If you are feeling lost, check out the completeStar Wars The Old Republic Timeline and Story Guide. It includes all major events leading up to the launch of the game and also follows everythging that has happened since the Treaty of Coruscant all the way to the most recent patch!

The Class Stories

Choose from one of eight iconic roles and become the hero of your personal Star Wars saga—an interactive storyline with cinematic dialogue and full voiceover for all in-game characters. All 8 origin stories are very different from one another, but are all happening more or less at the same time. Regardless of which side you choose, you will always have an opportunity to show your Light or Dark alignment to the Force. Your choices will matter and whether you save or doom someone at one point, this may play a role later on in your story.

SWTOR will allow you to play all 8 original class stories for free up to level 60. If you want to continue past that point, you will have to consider a Subscription.

Your Companions

The game also allows you to have several companions, but only one active at any given time. They will join you during your main story missions and will interact with both you and the characters you converse with or fight against. The companions can perform any role you need and this is an option you can change on the move (outside of combat).

Each Base Class gets to recruit up to 5 unique companions. All of them are different for each story and each class. They will fight alongside you, but if you don’t treat them well, they may begin to resent you.

Here is a list of all available companions for recruitment as of today. Some of the classic companions are still missing after the events from Knights of the Fallen Empire.

SWTOR Classes: Beginners guide to all Roles and Disciplines (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.