Alpha Kappa Alpha - Initiation Ritual (2024)

Alpha Kappa Alpha
Initiation Ritual



Introductioninto membership of the Ivy Leaf Pledge Club must involve this pledging ceremonyand this pledging ceremony is a part of induction into fullmembership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. The pledge ceremony follows voting oncandidates, signing of affirmationcards , approval of Regional Director , and acceptance by the candidate of anofficial written invitation to affiliate with the Pledge Club.
Pledgingshall take place no longer than six weeks prior to initiation , except whereuniversity Pan Hellenic and/or college or university regulations dictateother procedure. In these exceptions, copies at the respective college oruniversity regulations should accompany requests for permission tomake these exceptions.
Inalumna chapters, the pledging shall take place two to six weeks prior toinitiation.
Atthe time of pledging, a pledge card shall be signed by each candidate. Thesecards are to be kept on file by the chapter. If the person is not initiated, thereason must be recorded on the back of the card.

Allsorority members participating in the ceremony are dressed in conservative white

dresses. Candidateswear black dresses, (Pantsuits are not acceptable foreither the sorors or the candidates.

Thecandidates assemble in the ante-room where they are questioned by the Sentinelas to their desire to become pledgees of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.
Allcandidates are then conducted by the Sentinel assembled. (Soft music isplayed.)

Thecandidates stand in semi-circle around the table facing the Basileus. Upon thetable are two candleholders with pink and green candles and a pledge book beforea centerpiece of tea roses and/or a pot of ivy.

SERVICE:Open with prayer.

1.Song, " I Think I Shall Never Know"
Ithink that I shall never know
Another lovethat thrills me so,
Dwellsin my heart by night, by day
Asdoes my love for A.K.A.
Ithink that I need never fear
Whereheart. are loyal,true and dear.

SecureI am at work, at play
Ofsuch are these--the A. K. A.
Ithink when I shall come to die
There'll beno need of fear orsigh,
Forif I'v e been an A.K. A.
Lifeowes me naught
I'velived my day.

2.Speaker orBible reading (Ruth 1:16 - 17 )

3.Poem, "The Ivy"
Pushingthe clods o f earth aside,
Leavingthe dark where foul things hide,
Spreadingits leaves to the summer sun,
Bondageended freedom won;
Solet my soul like the Ivy be;
Rise,for thesun shine calls for thee,

Climbingup as the sea sons go,

Looking down upon things below;
Twiningitself in branches high,
Asif the frail thin owned the sky;
Solet my soul like the Ivy be;
Heaven,not earth's the place for thee.

Wrappingitself round the giant oak,
Hidingitself from tempest's stroke;
Strongand brave is the fragile thing,
Forit knows one secret how to cling,
Solet my soul like the Ivy be;
Hearthe mighty One,
Leanon Me.

Greenare its leaves when the world is white;
Forthe Ivy sings through the night,
Keepingthe hearts of oak awake,
Tillflowers shall bloom and spring shall break;
Solet my soul through the winter's rain,
Singsthe sunshine back again.

Openingits green and fluttering breast,
Givingthe timid birds a nest,
Comingout from the winter wild,
Tomake a wreath for the Holy Child.
Solet my life like the Ivy be.
Ahelp to man and a wreath for Thee.

4.Basileus' Statement
….Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha operates within the national Organization accordingto a constitution which meets the requirements for affiliation.
….Chapter systematically work to include in its membership outstanding collegewomen from different racial, occupational, religious and cultural groups.
Ourprogram is organized so that the sorors have opportunities to know mare aboutthe sorority locally and nationally.
Weare committed to a policy of shared responsibility and cooperative effortbetween graduate and under graduate sorors in the work of the Sorority.
Weare concerned with the needs of all women and girls.
Weaim to maintain good working relationships with churches, schools, and socialand civic agencies.
Wefulfill our obligations as member of the national organization by:
1.Participating in the Boule and in the National Program;
2.Assuming our share of responsibility for the support of the national work in thefollowing ways;
3.Following and improving practices recommended by the Directorate, which are:….
4.Sending in such reports on our works as requested by the Directorate and Alpha Kappa Alpha Office
The types of reports are: ….

Oneaspect of the pledge period is the learning of the preparation of these reports.
Areyou willing to comply with this perspective? If so, will you individually kneel,raise your right hand and then repeat after me.
Thecandidate kneel before the table while the Basileus reads the following pledgewhich the candidate repeat after her. Each candidate then signs her name in thepledge book.


I,…, desiring to become a loyal and faithful memberof the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, do pledge myself to respect, obey and defendthe Constitution, By-laws and Rituals of the organisation andto abide by all the rules and regulations of the Alpha. Kappa Alpha Sorority.
Afterall the candidates have taken the vow and signed their names in the pledge book,the Sentinel gives each a lighted pink or green candle and a small pot of ivy.While this is being done, the Basileus repeats the last two lines of the IvyHymn:
Solet my life like the Ivy be.
Ahelp to man and a wreath for Thee.
TheBasileus is encouraged to commit to memory this portion of the ceremony so thatshe can use her hands and facial expressions to convey the meaning andsacredness of the ceremony.
We,as sorors, will clasp our hand and sing our hymn. We pledge anew the kinds oflives that penetrate the dark and light the paths of others.
Wepledge to live anew the kinds of lives that will show the way to the greatestgood and thus supreme inservice to all mankind will shine our sisterhood.
Sororsclasp hands in circle formed a round pledges and sing sorority hymn. Candles arethen extinguished and the pledgees march from the inner room in solemn music.
Endingof Pledging Ritual.

TheDean of Pledgees reassemble the pledges and sorors , gives appropriate word of welcome toIvy membership, and presents to each pledge the following:
a.The Ivy Pin
b.The Ivy Club Manual (Ivy Primer)
c.Alpha Kappa Alpha, 1908 - 1958 or Sixty Years of Service
d.Schedule of assignments of orientation material;s to be studied concerning thepurpose of the Ivy Leaf Pledge Club; the purposes, history, ideals andorganization of Alpha Kappa Alpha in particular and Greek letter organizations ingeneral. (See Reading and Study Guide for appropriate assignments).
e.A roster of the members of the initiating chapter with correct addresses andtelephone numbers.
f.Date, time, and place of the first meeting of the pledgees for the purpose oforganizing the
IvyLeaf Club with officers, planned agenda, etc.
Thefollowing suggestions are made for good relationships betweenIvy Leaf PledgeClub membersand Sorors.
TheSorors should attend the meeting of the Ivy Leaf Pledge Club as frequently aspossible. Their attendance should be fellowship rather than for criticism orridicule.
TheSoror should enjoy more informal and social meetings with Ivies as sisters, notas superiors. The Sorors should not expect Ivies to perform personal errands norshould they request gifts or treats.
TheDean of Pledges is directly responsible to the Graduate Advisor for Ivy LeafPledge Club program and activities. She alone is to make assignments. The IvyLeaf Pledge program agreed upon by the chapter and approved by the GraduateAdvisor, is to be sent to the Regional Director along with the material on thecandidates.

Probationand Initiation

Theperiod from the beginning of the PROBATION PERIOD to the end of the INITIATIONCEREMONY is a time of great anxiety, keen anticipation and joy. This could belabelled in the time of the “making of an Alpha Kappa Alpha Soror.”
Theperiod of probation is generally considered a period of testing and time ofgroup cohesiveness in its highest order for the Probates. The success of theprobation period depends on the creativity, maturity, and level of intelligentjudgement on the part of both Sorors and Probates.
Theprobation period should begin one week before initiation, except on campuseswhere Pan-Hellenic of administrative regulations differ.
Theactivities for probation must not include any acts which may be defined ashazing, namely, any act that is likely to cause physical, psychological orsocial harm to an individual. This includes action taken or a situation createdproviding mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule.
Theremust be no consumption of foods or liquids in any pledge, probation, orinitiation ceremony.


Thesetting for the ceremony should be beautiful and solemn. The candidates andsorors must be properly dressed. All necessary items for the ceremony should bein place at least one-half hour prior to the time of the ceremony. Items neededare:
-tablewith white table cloth
-largewhite candle entwined with Ivy
-coatof arms
Sororsshould wear conservative white dresses. Neither Soror nor candidates should wearpants. Dress should be uniform: i.e. all wear long dresses or short knee-lengthdresses.
Participationby Sorors
1.Soror should know the National Hymn, Pledge, the Initiation Hymn, anddemonstrations of
signs(handshakes and identifications).
2.Sorors should stand during each degree while candidates proceed through them.
1.Wear black dress for first degree.
2.Wear white dress for remaining degrees.
3.Know National Hymn, Initiation Hymn, Pledge.
Inthe actual performance of the Initiation Ritual it is suggested that the Dean ofPledgees or Membership Chair lady serve as the "Pilot". In this role,she will provide an atmosphere of tranquillity and calmness for the Probates.

I.Devotion and Promise

Setting:On a table covered in white is a HUGE WHITE CANDLE entwined with Ivy,representing our FOUNDER, Soror Ethel Helgeman Lyle.
Forthis degree ONLY, the Basileus and Pilot wear a black academic gown and thecandidate(s) wear black dress(es). Each candidate should have a white candle.
Asthe candidate(s} enter, soft music is sung: "I Think That I Shall NeverKnow" or a similar selection.
Basileus:You have chosen ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA as your Sorority; your choice is a wise one.Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is more than a sisterhood. It is a SYMBOL: A symbolof love, faith, and promise. It is the first GREEK LETTER organisation foundedat Howard University, Washington, D.C., in 1908.
AlphaKappa Alpha has established itself as a dynamic group which initiates newmovements and new programs. It serves, therefore, as a t raining ground forwomen who will assume increasingly greater responsibilities for leadership intheir expanding communities.
Inthe years to come, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sororitywill continue to be a channel through which individuals may find together whatthey cannot find separately orindependently -- security, a sense of responsibility, the response of friendsand opportunities for experiences in mutually rewarding service.
Doyou wish to unite with this group of womenwho are dedicated to the expansion of their college and communities by assuminggreater responsibilities?
Pilotto Probates:Repeat after me: “I do”
Basileus:Let us pray. Repeat after me:
Open thenmy eyes, O God, that I may behold the wondrous works of this great organization.Make me to understand the ideals and purposes of this sisterhood so that I maycontinue the great workso nobly begun.
Takefrom me any selfishnes and lack of purpose which could keep me from followingthe ideals of the organization. Awaken within me holy desires, inspire me with anew enthusiasm of the revered FOUNDERS and grant me wisdom and strength that Imay render service to all mankind. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Areyou willing to accept the responsibilities and obligations which will be yours as a soror of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority? If so,repeat after me. " I do."
Basileusto Probates: Isincerely dedicate my time and talent to the growth and development of theprogram of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. This I promise in deed and truth.
TheBasileus lights a candle from the single white candle on the table representing Soror Ethel HedgemanLyle. From her candle, she lights the Pilot's candle, who lights the firstcandidate's candle and it is passed on to each candidate until all thecandidates have lighted candles.
Basileus:Passon this torch, pass on this flame; remember from whence the glory came; and eyesare on you as you run beyond the shining of the sun. Repeatuntil all candles are lighted.
Pilotto Candidates:Repeat after me.
Candidates:I take the torch from you. I will be true. I will be free and clean of heart,and strong to beat the glory to its goal.
ToOur Founders, we bow candidatesbow their heads.
Ourpurpose seal: I will for honor of thy name, pass on the torch, pass on theflame.
ThePilot then leads the candidate out of the room as the Sorors sing softly.


Candidatesassemble in the ante-room where the following questions are asked by the Pilot:
Pilotto Candidates:Are you willing to accept the responsibilities of a Soror of Alpha Kappa AlphaSorority? If so, repeat after me: "I am."
Candidates:I am.
Pilot:Do you solemnly promise obedience to the laws governing this organization? Ifso, repeat after me: "I do."
Candidates:I do.
Pilot:Those who are not willingmay withdraw. Pilotalarms the door.
Sentinel,stationed at the door:Basileus, there is an alarm at the door.
Basileus:Attend the alarm, Sentinel.
Sentinel:Basileus, the Pilot with the candidates who desire to be admitted to our orderis here.
Basileus: Havethe Candidates made satisfactory answersto the questions and expressed their desire to unite with us?
Sentinel:I will ascertain. Sentinel ascertains from the Pilot.
Basileus:Then, admit them. Pilot enters with the candidates, and lights arelowered.
Basileusto Candidate:Are you willing to be submissive and in every way to subjugate yourself to thehighest authority?
Pilotto Candidates:Repeat after me: " I Am."
Candidates: I am.
Basileus:What proof have you.
Pilotto Candidates:Repeat after me: “I show my submission by kneeling." Candidateskneel a few minutes. Nothing but silence prevails.
Basileus:Candidates, arise.
Thepilot and sorors lead the candidates in a line in a winding way. The sponsor ofeach candidate should be at her side. The Basileus repeats this phrase seventimes: "Life is a winding maze, and intricate labyrinth throughwhich we must wander all our days."
Candidatesare then taken to the ante-room after the seventh intonation.
Pilot:Candidates, are you willing to enter deeper into the mysteries of ourorganization? If so, state after me. "I am. "
Candidates:I am.
Pilotknocks at the door.

IIIFaith and Trust

Sentinel:Basileus, there is an alarm at the door.
Basileus:Sentinel, attend the alarm.
Sentinel:The Pilot with the candidates.
AlphaKappa Alpha Sorority is perpetuated through the faith and trust its
membershave engendered in the ideal and aim of the organization.
Faithis believing ─ believing so deeply that we act, we live what we believe.
Trustis to commit something to the care of another.
Youwill continue to demonstrate your faith and trust by following those ordersgiven to you.
Itis not posible to know if Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority will provide sweetness tothe bitterness in your life ─but you must believe that it will.
Itis not promised that the path of life, often strewn with thorns, will be moresmooth as a Soror of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority ─ but you must believethat they will be.
Thebonds of sisterhood are strong that faith and trust are blind with noreservations.
Haveyou this faith and trust in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority?
Pilotto Candidate: Repeatafter me: " I have."
Candidate:I have.
Completesilence must prevail for two to three minutes.
Basileus:Each soror in succession will shake the hand of each candidate as an indicationof our faith and trust.
Candidatesare then conducted to the outer room.
Pilotto Candidates:Your faith and trust have brought you to this point. Do you wish to proceedfurther?
Candidates:I do.

IV.Fidelity and Love

Setting:On a table covered in another area; white candles, ivy and /or roses. Wherepossible, there should also be a coat of arms.
Pilotto candidate in ante-room: Thesignificance of this degree in fidelity and love. Do you desire to continue inthis work? If so, repeat after me: "I do."
Candidates:I do. Each candidate is given an unlighted white candle.
Pilotknocks at door; Sentinel. answers.
Sentinel:Basileus, there is an alarm at the door.
Basileus:Sentinel, attend the alarm.
Sentinel:It is the Pilot with the candidate.
Basileus:Admit them. Candidates and Pilot are admitted, Candidates stand ina semi-circle in front of the Basileus who stands behind the table.
Basileus:You have passed the degree of obedience and faith. You have shown willingness toaccept the ideals and mandates of our organization; you have expressed yourfaith in the ideals and aims of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Now, are you willingto pledge your allegiance to Alpha Kappa Alpha that you will remain steadfast inyour attachment to this Sorority, and promise us your constant effort in itsbehalf?
Pilotto Candidates:Repeat after me: “I am.”
Candidates:I am.
Candidateskneel and take the following oaths.
I,…, do solemnly promise to keep secret the manner of initiation, pledge andobligations of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.
I,…, do solemnly promise always to live up to the ideals of the organization, tostand by Alpha Kappa Alpha in every undertaking, to render assistance to anysoror at all times, and to refrain from any expression of ill-will. I shall keepin my heart these words: “Set a guard over my mouth: keep watch over the doorof my lips.”
I,…, do dolemnly promise to promote the bands of sisterhood by precept andexample.
I,…, do solemnly promise to love and revere the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority andto do all in my power to perpetuate the organization.
Aseach candidate rises, her candle is lighted, a wreath of ivy is placed on hethead and the badge is placed upon her over her heart.
Basileusto candidate:Repeat after me: “By affixing my signature in this book, I, …, join thehands and hearts of those Sorors of Alpha Kappa Alpha who continually strive tocapture a vision fair.” She then signs the Chapter initiation record book.
Basileus:Yourvows have been said, and your pledge made. By so doing you have accepted awonderful challenge that requires yourcontinuous interests, devoted efforts and a lifetime of service.
Youare entering the last phase of this sacred hour, and are about to join handswith those Alpha Kappa Alpha women who continually remind themselves of thepledge they made and the loyalties they owe.
Mayyou always remember that you are not only joining with individuals but you areuniting with the Alpha Kappa Alpha. May you also become increasingly aware thatthe pledges and the vows which you have made before God and in the presence ofAlpha Kappa Alpha women here assembled who believe in you and the potentialities which you have for the perpetuation of oursisterhood and the advancement of Alpha Kappa. Alpha are a sacred trust to behonored in such a manner that what Alpha Kappa Alpha is will be in each one ofyou.
Youhave chosen Alpha.Kappa Alpha Sorority as your sorority. In Alpha. Kappa Alpha Sorority we mergeour endeavors with others and together we raise our standards high for all tosee.
Togetherwe accomplish far more than ever we would as individuals. A backward look at oursorority reveals a history of which we may be proud. That glory is not mine noryours. It belongs to our predecessors, those women under whose leadership thesorority grew in strength and service.
We areproud of the past. We thank God for the past, but in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sororitywe
mustalways look forward to a new era of service. For in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,challenging days will be ahead. Our very existence as an illustriousorganization demands that we meet the challenges of social, economic, andreligious charges with courage and imagination. We, in this sisterhood, arebound together by affection, by common interests, beliefs and inspiration. Wewelcome you tonight as new sorors, with warm hearts and open arms.
Letus pray.
Prayer:Eternal Spirit, we yearn for a better understanding of spiritual things and acloser walk with Thee, that we may interpret aright the times in which we live.We long to be able to minister, according to Thy will, to People who aretroubled and burdened with the cares of the world.
Instillinto the hearts of Thy servantseach day, fresh confidence in Thy goodness. Deliver us from fear and worry thatwe may deal confidently with the fears and worries of others. Strengthen ourfaith and increase our capacity for sympathy and understanding. Make us glad tobear one another's burdens; and be grateful for opportunities of fulfilling thusthe law of eternal life. Amen.
Extinguishcandles. Pilot collects candles.
Newmembers form circle within sorors' circle.
Basileus:At this time our deepest mysteries, our secret symbols, will be revealed to you.Remember you have already vowed to keep them secret. The sorors who have beendesignated to explain the symbols now came forward.
BYCULTURE AND BY MERIT, is taken from words formed from the initial letter of thewords, Alpha Kappa Alpha. These words are the Greek words, Askosi, Kai Axiosis.
Ourcolors are Apple Green and Salmon Pink signifying Abundance of Life,Womanliness, Fidelity and Love.
TheIvy signifies Strength and Endurance.
Wewear the symbols of Alpha Kappa Alpha with pride ─ pride that is born ofwhat we are as
individuals,what we have done, andwhat we are willing to do to keep Alpha Kappa Alpha the great organization it isand must continue to be.
OurCoat of Arms:
Thesignificance of the Coat of Arms is found inthe various symbols which taken together mean, through KKnowledge, Culture,Wisdom, Endurance and Justice, fostered by Sisterly Love, we extend service toall mankind.
Theclasped hands signify sisterly love.
Thedove signifies peace and virginity.
Theatlas signifies endurance and strength.
Thelamp signifies wisdom and culture.
Thescale signifies equality and justice.
Theletters "Omega Upsilon" are taken from Greek words which meanSimplicity and Wisdom.
Thegrip or handshake has three parts. First, an ordinary handshake, second quicklyfollowed by pressure of thumb, first and second fingers of the giver of thegrip. If the grip is recognized by the receiver, it is completed, third part, bypressure of little finger and the third finger, finishing by ordinary handshake.Basileusshould seethat soror helps each new member to property execute the handshake.
OurSign of Recognition:
TheAlpha Kappa Alpha soror making the test, carelessly places her right hand on herleft shoulder as if adjusting her slip strap. The return sign shall be made byplacing the right hand at the bend of the left elbow and casually stroking theelbow. The above sign is accompanied by the following conversation: FIRST SOROR:"What do you say?" SECOND SOROR: "Is it wise to sayanything?" or if the individuals are so situated that they cannot talkwhile the test is being made, the conversational test may be made later. Theconversation should be continued so as not to attract attention to the test.
OurPass Word:
The PassWord shall be changed each biennium. It shall be the name of the last chapterestablished before the meeting of the Boule. The pass word for this biennium is….
Basileusthen asks new members to step within the larger circleto sing the Initiation Hymn and then repeat together the Pledge.
Basileus:Sorors, for the statement of our Pledge and the singing of our Hymn, we welcomeour new sorors into the larger circle which symbolizes the unity which permeatesour sisterhood. Soror …, please join us in the larger circle.
Eachnew soror is named and then takes her place in the larger circle.


HailAlpha Kappa Alpha dear, we greet thee here tonight,

andmay this noble sisterhood be always our delight.
Andmay this noble sisterhood be always our delight.
Andmay this noble sisterhood be always our delight.

Welove our motto good and true and strive to do the right:
Byculture and by merit, too, we'll climb to glory's height,
Byculture and by merit, too, we'll climb to glory's height,
Byculture and by merit, too, we'll climb to glory's height.

Whencares of life o'er take us and our locks are turning gray,
We'llalways reverence A.K.A. forever and a day,
We'llalways reverence A.K.A. forever and a day,
We'llalways reverence A.K.A. forever and a day.


Tothee, O Alpha Kappa Alpha!
Wepledge our hearts, our minds, our strength:
Tofoster their teachings,
Obeythy laws,
Andmake thee Supreme in Service to all mankind
O,Alpha Kappa Alpha, We greet thee!


Alpha Kappa Alpha - Initiation Ritual (2024)
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